Community service

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Thanks to Grayson, I spent more time doing community service than time with Conner. If it weren't for school, I wouldn't see Conner since we worked throughout the week. It's thanks to Mr. Bennett, who threaten to tattle to the judge about us.

Yeah, I want to hurt Grayson. Who the hell steals a cop car and a police horse? I doubt Grayson will defend anyone but himself when he becomes a lawyer.

"How is it that we get dragged into Grayson's messes?" Deacon asked me.

I brushed on paint to the house's exterior. "Dumb luck on our part."

"So, I heard you and Conner took the big step."

"Well, we skipped dinner and went right to dessert. Did you know Conner's a sapiosexual?"

"A what?" Deacon titled his head and squinted his eyes.

I rolled my eyes. "A sapiosexual is a person attracted to intelligence and not gender."

"Well, at least he isn't dumb, unlike our dipshit cousin."

We glanced at Grayson as Mr. Bennett yelled at him. Better Grayson than us.

"How did Grayson graduate? Because he has proven, he has no brains."

Deacon snickered.

Mr. Bennett stopped yelling at Grayson, then walked by us. He stopped and gave us a look that says we're idiots.

"I thought you were smart," Mr. Bennett said to me.

"My cousin is an idiot. He stole a cop car."

"Well, I agree with your statement. Grayson's father flirted with a homely nurse to sneak Andi's husband into seeing Andi. Desperation doesn't suit anyone."

"That doesn't surprise me since my dad beat Casey's ass," Deacon said.

"I like your old man. He's smart. I would have beaten Casey's ass, too. Have you met his dipwad family?" Mr. Bennett asked us.

We shook our heads.

"Good. Don't. Because Bob has lousy fashion sense and Ian needs to change the oil in his hair." Mr. Bennett walked away.

I glanced at Deacon. "We have a strange family."

"No shit. My brothers keep it in the family and follow the family tradition. Our cousins are our uncles, and our grandparents are siblings by marriage."

I chuckled. "Yeah, Dad won't let me call Kaxon my uncle cousin."

Deacon roared with laughter. Yeah, we have a strange family.

After many evenings and weekends, we finished our community service. I think it's Mr. Bennett's way of getting free services without paying for them. Well, he's brilliant. I need to learn from him because it will save time and effort on my behalf. I also need to stay away from Grayson.

I finally had time to spend with Conner after not having any free time. Thanks, Grayson, you schmuck.

I told Conner about our community service. He laughed. I didn't.

Conner sat at the kitchen table. "I find it hilarious."

I brought over pops for us and joined him. "Oh, yeah, it's funny. Who the hell rides a stolen horse and yells hi-yo, Silver? Then we fought with the football team."

Conner snickered.

"I don't understand why Grayson does stupid shit." I sighed.

"Did it ever occur to you that Grayson enjoys life?"

I knitted my brows.

"Think about it. Grayson knows his actions will land him in trouble, but he fears nothing. I spent years living in fear."

I never thought about it that way. I'm so used to my family doing stupid shit and pissing off our fathers that I view it from a different perspective.

"Oliver, when you live in fear, it takes years to overcome the fear. You trust no one. It makes for a lonely existence."

"But there's no need to live in fear now. Your dad can't hurt you anymore. Your brother is locked in a mental institution. But it's time to put the past behind us."

Conner gave me a look. If I have learned anything this past year is sometimes, you must make peace with the past to move forward. Forgiveness starts at home.

I called Kain and explained what I needed. He agreed and said my actions would make Uncle Nixon proud.

We stood in the chapel as the door opened. Bradley entered and glanced around. He saw Kain, Conner, and me standing in front of the alter. Bradley shoved his hands into his front jean pockets and strolled towards us. He reached us as Kain and Conner took a step back and let me do my work.

"Conner said that you wanted to speak to me," Bradley said.

"Our families fought because an adult couldn't act mature. Parents should raise their children with love and compassion. You and Conner didn't receive those qualities from your dad. We want to change your situation."

"My parents are giving me my grandparents' house, and Conner has agreed to move in with me. Since he's moving out of Kain's house, Kain will offer you a home. You'll have a chance to graduate high school and attend college while working."

"What?" Bradley furrowed his brows.

"If Tori can forgive you, so can we."

I stood there as my cousins, our parents, and Tori walked through the doors of the chapel. They joined Kain and Conner as Bradley's jaw dropped.

"I don't deserve forgiveness for what I did to Tori," Bradley said.

"My uncle Nixon believed people have a chance to redeem themselves. Some people are unredeemable, but most deserve forgiveness. Everyone endures a rough time, but everyone deserves love and compassion."

"Why me?"

Tori walked towards us. "Because you helped my brother when he had his accident. It doesn't matter what happened between us. We weren't right for each other. It doesn't mean that you don't deserve forgiveness," Tori said.

Most people would hold grudges, but we realized grudges are useless. They do nothing for anyone except for making them bitter. People can say many things about Tori, but she's a fighter.

"Thanks, Tori. I'm sorry for what I did to you."

"Bradley, I'm not above forgiving someone. My parents raised me better than hold onto anger. Plus, I have someone who understands better than anyone how to forgive people." Tori glanced at Elias.

Yeah, Elias and Tori complement each other.

Kain stepped towards us.

"Bradley, meet Kain Gray," I said.

Kain held out his hand as Bradley shook it. I let Kain and Bradley talk and walked over to Conner and my family.

"You did good, Oliver," Dad said.

My lips curved into a smile. "I had an excellent teacher."

My family smiled as we left the chapel. People can say many things about Uncle Nixon, but they can never say that he didn't help people.

Sometimes, we must carry on the legacy of people. Who better than family?

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