This magic moment: A Valentine's Day Chapter

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With Mother Nature taking her meds, we had a reprieve from the wintery blast. The plows cleared the roads so everyone could go home. It didn't bother me to stay at Owen's house because we haven't lived in the same place since he got married. The sleepover reminded me of when we were younger.

With Valentine's Day approaching, I planned a special Valentine's Day for Conner. Yeah, I'm a romantic with the right person. I rented a room at bed and breakfast, made reservations at a restaurant, and checked the local listings for movies. I went the traditional route with a slight twist.

Conner and I packed a bag, then got into my jeep. I backed out of the driveway and drove to bed and breakfast. We arrived thirty minutes later, checked in, and headed to our room. I unlocked the door as Conner entered. After flipping a light switch, Conner stopped and stared at the roses adorning the room.

I dropped my bag on a chair as he looked around the room.

"I can't believe you did this," Conner said.

"Sometimes, it takes the right person to be romantic."

Conner glanced at me as I smiled. He dropped his bag and crept towards me until he reached me. Then he placed his hands on my face and kissed me. The kiss was sweet and tender.

He pulled back. "Thank you."

My lips curved into a smile. I placed my hand on Conner's and slid it into his as I led him out of the room. We had an evening planned before we returned to the room.

We arrived at the restaurant, and the hostess seated us at a table, then handed us menus. We browsed the selections as the server arrived to take our orders. I ordered steak as Conner ordered Chicken Alfredo. We talked while we waited for our food.

"I've never had someone go out of their way for me," Conner said.


Conner shrugged. "If I wasn't fighting with Elias, I was getting the shit beat out of me at home. The people I dated didn't care. I figured I was on my own."

"I learned most people don't see the bigger picture. We all searched for someone who complements us. It's the unique qualities that set us apart from each other. Conner, you're an amazing person. You have qualities that attract me to you, like your mind."

Conner's brows raised. "You're a sapiosexual."

I nodded.

"Oh, thank God." Conner exhaled a breath. "I thought there's something wrong with me."

"What do you mean?" I gave him a sideways glance.

"While I'm attracted to guys, I prefer intelligence."  Conner leaned over the table. "Conversations excite me." Then he gave me a look.

Well, that's a new development.

"So, if I mention the villain in Moby Dick was Captain Ahab, would that excite you?"

Conner shifted in his spot. "Stop."

"Mr. Darcy was a pretentious prick."

Conner kept moving and gritted his teeth. "Oliver."

I leaned forward, testing out my theory. "To Kill A Mockingbird was a compilation of people that Harper Lee knew."

Conner groaned as the server brought our food to the table.

"Could we get to-go boxes?"

The server arched a brow.

"I'll pay you a nice tip."

The server shrugged and retrieved containers for our food. Yeah, we were making it to the movie.

Conner and I hit our room, set our food down, then crashed our lips together. We tore at each other's clothes until they flew into the air and landed on the floor.

I pushed Conner onto the bed and climbed on top of him. Our kisses grew hungrier as I reached for a raincoat. After rolling it on and prepping Conner, I slid into him and waited for him to adjust.


You didn't have to tell me twice. I moved as our bodies rocked together, taking my time with Conner. Our lips moved in sync as Conner clenched my back. Have you ever had a moment that felt like heaven? This moment was pure heaven to me.

Conner and I connect on many levels, which led to this moment between us. People wait their entire lifetime to meet someone for them. The person for me started as an enemy to our family. Then a conversation changed everything. Our conversation on the hayride drew me to Conner, but our intelligence connected us.

With each thrust, Conner's muscles tightened. Our lips never left each other as we continued. Then Conner groaned against my lips as his muscles gripped my manhood. My body jerked as we found our release together.

I pulled out of Conner, tossed the raincoat, then cleaned up, pulling on boxer briefs. I grabbed our dinners and brought them over to the bed. I handed Conner his dinner with a plastic fork and joined him.

"Why didn't you tell me that you're a sapiosexual?" I asked Conner.

"You didn't ask." Conner shrugged.

"My family didn't understand my sexuality. They thought I was moody because I had a difficult time with girls."

"It's society. The misconception is that we need to be attracted to a specific gender. If you like the opposite sex, you're heterosexual. If you like the same sex, you're gay. If you like both, then you're bisexual. People forget about asexuals, sapiosexuals, pansexuals, and many others."

"I never got the whole idea of labeling sexuality. Who cares who you love? People worry more about labels than the actual person."

"You walk to the heat of your own drum. There's nothing wrong with it."

"I didn't want to conform to society. Everyone has an opinion. Their opinion isn't mine. No one says you must think the same as everyone else. God knows I don't."

Conner chuckled as we ate our dinner.

"Well, I was going to take you to dinner and a movie, but you changed my plans."

"Me? You seduced me when you discussed books."

I snickered.

"Do you have any idea how hard it is not to jump you?"

I gave Conner a look, trying not to smile.

"It's hard."

I burst out laughing. You have to love sexual innuendos. We finished eating, then made love again. When we finished, we snuggled together. The evening didn't go as planned, but it didn't matter. Sometimes, the best night happens when it's unplanned.

The rest of the year would bring relationships as everyone discovered who they are and where their lives were heading. Plus, we have three and a half years to figure out life.

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