The holidays are a treat

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Most people spend the holidays with a few family members. We're not most people. I wish, but we aren't. I had to visit both sides of the family. Have you ever got sick of turkey? I have when both families feed you.

I invited Conner. Yeah, that was a mistake because my family made a big deal out of it. When are you getting married? Will you have kids? You're soooo cute. Why do families ask these questions? Find a hobby and leave my love life out of it.

After a while, I abandoned the ship and took Conner with me. Yeah, I rescued him. I'll admit it.

We returned to Kain's house. I removed my coat and plopped down on the couch. Conner joined me.

"You're family is..."


Conner nodded as I snickered.

"I wasn't ready to answer a bunch of questions."

"It's a typical family gathering. Family members ask the obvious questions."

"I guess I'm not used to a family wanting to know anything about me."

"I'm taking it that your family is warm and fuzzy."

"No. I didn't have people care about me."

I glanced at Conner. Not everyone has a loving family to help them. Some people get lucky. We hung out and talked. I didn't mind because it was low-key.

"So, I wanted to ask you a question."

Conner glimpsed at me.

"Are you a virgin?"

Conner arched a brow. "Is there a reason you asked me that question?"

"Well, if we take the next step, I want to know about unexpected visitors."

Conner sighed. "No, I'm not a virgin. Yes, I used protection. The first time was with a girl, but I didn't enjoy it. Then, I slept with a couple of guys. I didn't have many partners, but I always wore protection."

"Well, I've been with both. They started out promising. Then I realized they were dumb as stumps." I raised my finger.

Conner chuckled.

"Who the hell sleeps with a dumb person?"

"You would be amazed. I'm into a person with substance. If I can't have an intelligent conversation with them, there isn't a point. You get tired of listening to the caveman mentality spewed at you while growing up."

Conner made sense. Having a father like Don Wilson drops a person's IQ level. I'm sure people would agree with me.

Conner and I hung out and talked. Neither of us was in a rush to move to the next level of our relationship. Plus, the moment has to be suitable for us.


I lounged on the couch at Grammy's house, letting my stomach settle. Kayden was asleep on the other end. Turkey has that effect on you.

Our dads were spending time with Grandpa. Nana plopped down in the middle of the couch, eating pumpkin pie. I groaned.

"How can you eat after having a big meal?" I asked Nana.

"I love my food. Plus, there's always room for pie."

I shook my head as Kayden snored. We glanced at him as he drooled.

"Aw, he reminds me of when he was a baby. Kayden drooled a lot."

I snickered. I love our nana.

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