We all have a little crazy in us

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The next day, I awoke to find Conner missing. What the hell? A few minutes later, the door handle turned, and he entered carrying two coffees. He closed the door and strolled over to the bed.

"I thought you would like coffee." He handed me a cup.

"I thought you deserted me." I sipped my coffee.

Conner tilted his head and narrowed his eyes.

"I'm kidding."

"You have an odd sense of humor." Conner crawled onto the bed and grabbed his cup.

"We all have a little crazy in us." I shrugged.

"I'm learning that with you."

I rolled my eyes.

"The place is serving breakfast. I figured you wanted to shower first."

"Well, it's bed and breakfast. If they didn't serve breakfast, then they would call it bed."

Conner snickered.

"Why are you up so early?"

"I take walks to clear my head."

"It's wintertime."

"It was a fast walk."

I chuckled, finished my coffee, then showered. After finishing my shower, I dressed. We grabbed breakfast and talked.

"So, I've been thinking about your offer."

I glanced at Conner after shoving food into my mouth.

"If we move in together, would I be a kept man? I'm not sure that would suit me."

I raised a brow. "I was going to chain you up and torture you with quotes from our favorite books. I might feed you after having my way with you."

Conner's brows raised. I snickered.

"Oh, funny. Haha." Conner rolled his eyes.

"Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer. Conner, I'm looking for a partner. It doesn't matter if it's a male or female. Eventually, have kids who drive us nuts."

"You want kids?"

"Yeah, I do but not yet."

Conner averted his eyes. "I wouldn't mind having kids." He shifted his eyes to me.

"Plus, I want to get married."

Conner stared at me.

"What? Did you think I'm not conventional?"

"You're not an open book. I didn't know how you felt about marriage or kids."

"I'm not the type to broadcast my personal life. That's why my family questions me. There's no reason to tell everyone my plans."

"Your family seems like they would understand, unlike mine. Mine disowned me." Conner shrugged.

I never understood how families could turn their backs on their children. Children want love and acceptance, not bullied. Our parents are our safe place. What happens when your safe place isn't safe? Then you fight alone.

It's time to talk to Dad.

We finished breakfast. Then I took Conner home. After dropping Conner off at Kain's house, I drove home. I pulled into the driveway, parked, and carried my bag into the house. Dad was sitting at the kitchen table, working on the books for the auto shop.

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