Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty


I've planned a new series thing-so look out for it soon! Okay, read on!

I straightened my hair and glanced at my reflection. Ten more minutes, and Troy was going to meet up with me and Harmony. When I’d told Harmony about it, she gladly agreed and said she would write a few tips down. Thank the lord for Harmony!

“Hey, where are you going?” Liam popped his head through the door.

I whipped around to face him. “Um, just to get some ice-cream with Harmony. Nothing much...”

Liam raised an eyebrow. “Why didn’t you invite me? You know I love icecream.”

Hahahaha, imagine if he actually came. GIANT disaster.

“Oh, I can bring a gelato home for you,” I shrugged.

Liam pouted. “I WANT TO COME!”

I rolled my eyes. “Stop being a baby Liam. We’re having a girl’s day out.”

Liam shrugged. “I can just listen to music while you two talk.”

Crap. Think fast Adrianna! “U-um, there’s some uh...personal and private things we’re talking about. It’s real girly talk Liam. I’m sure you don’t want to be there.”

Liam sighed. “Fine. But bring me back an ice-cream cone.”

I internally breathed a sigh of relief. “Okay, sure. What flavours do you want, Liam?”

He contemplated for a bit, and then nodded. ‘Okay, I want a quadruple scoop. First scoop can be vanilla, then second scoop can be raspberry, then third scoop can be passion fruit, and lastly fourth scoop can be cookies and cream. Oh, can you add chocolate sauce on the top and sprinkles? Oh, and one of those chocolate wafer sticks at the top!”

I rolled my eyes. Remind myself to NEVER pay for Liam’s icecreams.

“Okay, whatever,’ I sighed. “Now, get outta my room.”

Liam grinned, happily, and left my room. I sighed, and grabbed my phone.

Hey, Harmony and I are gonna leave now

Adrianna xx


He texted back an Almost there. Cya there babe. xx and I grinned, checked myself in the mirror again, and rushed downstairs.

Harmony was leaning against the kitchen table, waiting for me. I winced.

“Ooops, sorry to keep you waiting,” I apologized, slipping on my comfortable black coat on.

“Stupid Liam wanted to tag along-but I managed to bribe him off. But now I have to get him a quadruple scoop icecream with vanilla, raspberry, passionfruit-

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