15. I love you

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"Bella.. Arabella! Wake up!"

I quickly opened my eyes and saw my mom, fully dressed, over me. I blinked a few times and buried my face in the pillow again. "Mhm." I hummed.

"Bella wake up!" She insisted and I groaned and opened my eyes and looked at her. "We are leaving."

"Where?" I asked.

"Gran is pretty sick and we will visit her. Me and your dad will be back tomorrow." She said and I gasped.

"What? Is she okay?" I asked and felt tears around my eyes.

"Yes baby, she's just a little bit sick." She assured me and I nodded. "Dorothy is also leaving. She's sleeping at Heidi's."

What? They stopped talking literally five years ago. In fact, they are somehow rivals.

"Mhm, yes." I nodded and brushed my eyes with my sleeve.

"You will be with Alex all day long, right?" She asked and stood up. I quickly followed her to the kitchen.

"Yes. It's somehow a date but we will just walk around the park I guess." I said and she smiled.


I turned around and saw my dad.

"Morning." I said.

"What date?" He asked and I mentally slapped myself.

"Uhm.. With Alex." I said quietly and he nodded.

"Oh don't be scared, I love the boy." He chuckled. "He should come here more often."

"Yeah but.."

"Hii! I'm leaving!" Dorothy interrupted me and we all looked at her. "Oh good morning Bella!"

"Hey... Why are you in a such a good mood?" I asked.

"You will be in a good mood as well, tonight." She smirked and I widened my eyes, just like mom and dad did.

"Dorothy what happened to you?" I exclaimed.

"Don't be so innocent sissy. I already know you can't wait until the day you get in Alex's bed." She winked and I gasped.

"Dorothy!" I exclaimed. "Is this why you were together with him? Just to- Oh my God! You are truly unbelievable!"

"Bella.. Lower your tone please." Mom said and I rolled my eyes. "You have keys right? We really have to go."

"Yes." I said bluntly. "Bye. Call me when you arrive."

After they left I just saw that outside it had snowed quite a lot and I started smiling. I ran upstairs and took my phone. I texted Alex 'Good morning x' and quickly started to get ready.

After I took a shower and brushed my teeth I looked in my closet for clothes. I grabbed a white turtleneck and a pair of black jeans. I added the necklace Alex gave me and sprayed some parfume. I put on my red coat and went downstairs. I turned off all the lights and put on my high heeled boots, knowing that they will keep my feet warm.

I took another glance at myself in the mirror, making sure I was looking good and left and locked the front door. I adjusted my white beanie and walked towards Alex's house. Shit, it was so cold and I almost fell twice.

I knocked on the door and Penny quickly opened it. She pulled me into a hug and told me to get in.

"Hi! How are you Penny?" I asked smiling.

"I'm fine sweetie, how are you? You look amazing!" She grinned.

"Thank you! I'm actually very happy and nervous." I chuckled.

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