22. My mistakes were made for you

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3rd person pov:

5 years later...

Five years passed by since Alex and Bella saw each other the last time. Alex hardly accepted that he lost his first love. He loved Alexa. He really did. But not as much as he loved Bella. He broke up with Alexa after four years together because he knew she wasn't owning his heart.

The innocent girl from Sheffield did. Alex couldn't understand why did it affected him so badly. After all, she was only a lover. That's what Alex tried to tell himself. The truth is, she was more than that.

The first months were the most painful ones. He kept drinking, and imagining things. He asked everyone if he just imaginer her all along.

He keeps thinking about one specific night. He was in a club, absolutely wasted, probably high too. A girl approached him and she looked like Arabella, but he knew it couldn't be her. She whispered in his ear "I still fantasise about you". It felt so real. He really thought it was her. But then she was gone.

She was gone.

One more interview, Alex told himself.  He walked in the radio station and a brunette woman who looked like she was in her forties welcomed him.

"Hello mr. Turner! I'm Janet!" She grinned and Alex shook her hand.

"Hello, Alex." He said.

"Thank you for being here. Our new girl will take your interview today." She said and Alex nodded. "She just absolved, so she might be shy."

"Yeah, no problem." He nodded again. Surprisingly, he wasn't drunk today and that pissed him off because he hated when people asked him stupid questions whenever he had interviews.

She leaded him to a room and told him to take a seat because she will be right back.

"Come on!" Janet exclaimed. "He's here!"

"I don't care who is he! Just give me the list  and I'll ask whoever is in that room the questions! Probably just another unknown singer!" Arabella exclaimed and walked over to the room.

Little did she knew, her life wouldn't turned out a mess like it did if she didn't walked in that room.

Alex was bored. He looked around the small room and saw Janet walking in. He gave her a smile and adjusted his sunglasses. He looked outside the glass door and spotted someone.

Long, black hair, a full black outfit. She seemed interesting. He couldn't see her face, only her hair and outfit, from behind. She was wearing black high heeled thigh boots, a black tight skirt and a leather jacket.

Janet cleared her throat but Alex kept staring at the girl. "She will be here in a bit."

"Mhm." Alex mumbled and looked at her.

The door opened and Alex quickly looked at the girl who opened. His face fell.


She wasn't looking how he remembered her. Her brown-blondish hair was now black, she looked more mature, given the fact she was also wearing black makeup and had catty eyelashes.

She was dark. She was mysterious.

Bella's heart completely fell. Her eyes meet the boy's, now man's, who she avoided and tried to forget for five whole years.

He wasn't the little boy from Sheffield anymore.

But he was still the boy who broke her heart. Who shattered her. Who absolutely teared her down in pieces that she no longer owned.

She was broken, all because of Alex.

She sat down on the chair, their eyes connected the whole time. She couldn't see his eyes, because of the glasses, but she knew that beneath those black sunglasses sat his beautiful eyes that she fell in love with years ago.

"Can we begin?" Janet broke the silence and Bella quickly looked at her and nodded.

"Oh, I don't need your questions Jane. I already prepared some for mr. Turner." Bella said smiling and Alex widened his eyes. Her voice was almost the same. Hearing her voice after five years made his stomach flutter for some reasons.

"Arabella? Are you sure?" Janet asked and she just rolled her eyes and looked back at Alex. He removed his glasses and Bella accidentally got lost in his dark hazel eyes.

Janet made the introduction and Bella just smiled. Alex couldn't believed that she didn't cared about him. He knew he broke her heart, but at least she could've speak to him.

"Thank you, Alexander, so so much for being here." She said and looked directly at him. He hinted the sarcasm in her tone and just stared at her.

"Happy to be here." He said and Bella almost got scared because his voice was deep. Not high pitched like it used to be.

"First question. Is it true that you're still the cheating bitch you always were? Well.. Once a bitch, there aren't any chances that you changed. Or maybe yes, a whore." She said and Alex was shocked because of her vocabulary. "Now with your new look you really look like the bitch you are." She said, not leaving his eyes one second.

"Arabella!" Janet exclaimed.

"I hope Alexa treated you better. But you probably cheated on her as well." She continued.

Janet quickly muted her microphone and looked at her dead in the eye. "Get out."

Bella stood up smiling. "Gladly." She said. "Oh and Alex, you don't mean anything to me." She winked and got out of the room.

But she knew she lied. She still loved him, somehow.

Alex's heart broke once again. He knew he deserved it.

"God, I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened to her. She keeps coming here either drunk or high." Janet sighed and Alex gasped.

Alex excused himself and quickly ran out from the room. He couldn't lose her again.

He saw a tall woman and approached her. "Excuse me, do you know a Arabella here?" Alex asked.

"Oh, yes. She just left." She said smiling and Alex sighed and quickly left.

Please be here, please be here Alex thought.

And she was. She was opening the door of a black prius. Alex quickly walked over her and she gulped.

"What the fuck do you want?" She asked harshly.

"I want to talk to you. It's been five years Bella." Alex said.

"You can call me Arabella, Alex." She said smiling, a very fake smile.

"And you can call me Alexander." Alex said.

"I can't waste my time." She said. "If you don't know already, I don't give a fuck about you so please fuck off."

"Have you listened to my songs?" Alex asked.

"Let me see... I love you Dorothy but I fucked your sister, you crying because you fucking cheated on me... What else?" She replied.

"Cornerstone is all about you.." Alex said quietly.

"I don't give a fuck! I don't care Alex!" She exclaimed.

"Every fucking song is for you. My mistakes were made for you. Everything was for you." Alex said, desperately trying to make her talk to him.

"That doesn't change the fact that you cheated! You fucking cheated on me when I did nothing but to love you!" She said and she felt tears forming around her eyes.


"I really loved you, Alex." She whispered.

"Arabella, please.." Alex begged.

"Nice hairstyle." She chuckled. "Maybe in another life." She shrugged and got in her car and quickly drove away.

Maybe in another life. She knew why she said that. And the answer is not quite happy.

Why should I wait another life if I love you in this one? Alex said to himself.

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