Jewel Of Blood Red

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Viola's POV

               The demon king decorates with stalagmites and stalactites. Walking into the black gates of the festival, draped across Kilian's arm— I'm to be a mere decoration. Instead, I seem to attract the attention of demon males who can't keep their hungry eyes to themselves; I can hear Kilian's chest vibrate with a growl in irritation, but I play coy and grin.

              My breasts are pushed up in a carnal red dress as my hips and legs sway, a slit in the dress displaying my thicker than average thighs. My dark hair is out in my natural curls which seem wilder than normal, and my eyes rimmed with black kohl. Kilian is as handsome as ever, his large build is in a black suit, but he keeps his swords on his hips; too on alert to let his guard down even a little. I have one of his blades strapped onto my hip underneath this lavish dress, and I can't help but feel excitement at the thought of using Kilian's blade— being accepted by Kilian's blade.

The castle steps are dark stone leading into the grand entrance. The doors are also made of the same stone substance, little sparkles littered across the darkness of the granite— like stars dancing in the night. My chest swells as I take in the beautiful nightly appearance of the decor. I can hear the chattering of the demon guests, whispers around us as they loiter in the entrance with glasses of champagne and some with blood.

The cool breeze caresses me and I feel like my grin could break my face at any moment— I'm so close to getting my dad back. Nothing can beat this moment, nothing. I know his exact whereabouts thanks to Kilian's instructions from his mother, I have a weapon, my powers and my mind set on slaughtering if need be.

Although, before we can enter the threshold, a whip of fire circles around our feet, prohibiting us from taking another step. I tense, ready for an attack, but all I hear is a happy squeal. Kilian glances behind us as I feel arms encircle around my waist and blonde hair collide with my vision.


"Vi!" She grins maniacally as I stare in bewilderment. I grasp her arms in a makeshift hug and glance behind her to find Atticus a few feet away glancing around in alarm.

Oh right, his dimension is at war with this one. Oops.

"Claire! How did– what did— huh?" I blubber like a fool, not able to even make a sentence as happiness enfolds me. I'm not alone in this. She's here for our father too. A warm feeling spreads in my chest as I grin back at her.

        "Did you just think I'd let you wander around his old mans cave alone?!" She shoves a thumb in Kilian's direction as I laugh in glee.
        "You know, I do know a thing or another of fighting against crazies like these." She whispers to me as she scans the area, her eyes luminescent and filled with excitement.

      "At least one of us is excited about kicking ass." King Atticus says, sighing as Claire jumps back in his direction.

          "You love it." She taunts him as she drapes her arm around Atticus and turns to me.

             "We made a deal with the Raksha. Merlin has potions to make appearances more luring to the eye— it's the Raksha's lucky day, huh?" She rolls her eyes as Atticus smiles at her.

          "Ah, so he'd be able to trick anyone as long as he looks like a sexy tall mermaid man." I say as she nods enthusiastically.

          "Something like that." She agrees.

         "Well— if you guys are here now... what's the plan?" I ask, eyes fluttering towards Kilian as his gaze is unwavering. So handsome.

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