For The Love Of A Daughter

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Viola's POV

               It's mid morning by the time I stumble into the inn's infirmary. The smell of alcohol and licorice is strong, the row of white beds neatly untouched; all except for one.
      I can imagine nobody in the underworld would need medical help as they are all demons or witches with their own herbs to heal themselves— nobody except for my father.

"Viola." He croaks, sleepily rubbing at his eyes as my heart twinges with grief at his sensitive state. I'm a really shitty daughter.
He gives me a smile as I shuffle closer to his bed, fidgeting with my fingers and toes— toes of which I'd stuffed back into the slippers I'd worn to the ball.

"Hey dad." I smile softly and lean toward, gracing his forehead with a small kiss.
"How are you holding up? I see they bandaged your eye-?" I trail off as he moves to sit up, wincing slightly. I help him up carefully and bring the cup of water next to his bed up to his mouth. Metal straw, nice for the underworld sea turtles huh?

He drinks slowly, but I'm as patient as ever, chest aching at the state of my old man. That's what torture at the hands of the king of the underworld will do to you.

            Once he's done taking his slow sips he leans back, a slight twinkle in his visible eye.

           "You came for me." He says gruffly, trying to pretend he was stern— but a small grin threatens to break out onto his face. His beard has been growing out and there are bruises littering his arms from what I can see; I attempt to smile and come up with a witty response, but all I can manage is a watery smile as my eyes well up with tears.

          "If I hadn't—" my voice breaks and so does my composure as I'm attacked by too many emotions at once. My father brings his arms around me as I begin to cry, overwhelmed with such force I'm left shaking.

          I hadn't felt grief this strong this entire journey— why now?

          "I don't know why I'm crying right now—" I start to babble like an idiot, wiping away snot that's now clinging to his shirt. I cringe away.
        "Sorry." I hiccup as my dad smiles at me warmly.

            "Never apologize for your emotions, buttercup." He kisses my forehead softly, his eyes also beginning to well up with unshed tears. He blinks them away frantically, but I grab onto his hand to let him know it's okay.
        "I'm so proud of you." He says sadly. "And so sorry that you had to do all of this for your old man."

              "Much more than a frozen lake and soccer ball, huh?" I giggle through my crying, still being cuddled onto him— which was probably doing more damage to his weak body.

I inhale and smile slightly at the scent of joop cologne wafting up my nose. It's like he could wade through sewers and roll in cow shit and his cologne would still remain fragrant; lucky.

"I met Claire." I whisper to him. He smiles gleefully and nods.

"She was in here with me earlier. I—I can't believe I've missed so much of her life." He says, in a slight dejected tone. I hum, grinning up at him.

"She's got a boyfriend." I smile wickedly.

"Snitch." He flicks my nose as I cackle.
"I hear you do too." He sighs as I tense up.

"Well not really—" suddenly I'm blushing. It was like I'd gotten caught red handed with an entire hand in the cookie jar. How was I ever going to tell my father that the demon he'd imprisoned so that I'd survive had swiped my V-card and then told me he didn't believe in mates? And oh yeah, Callence may or may not be seducing me, him and Kilian are brothers and I'm a whore. Ta-da!

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