Luminescent Cobalt Blue

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Viola's POV

            I couldn't bring myself to give Kilian a response to it— I didn't know what to say. The man that had been brought into the war camp injured— the one who I healed against Kilian's wishes; the one who I'd known about this entire time and made Kilian tense at the mere mention. Callence.

            I turn to look over my shoulder and narrow my eyes at Kilian.

           "Why are you telling me this now?" I ask him, intrigue building in my chest. Kilian inhales roughly, running a hand through his black hair.

          "Just— just stay away from him. He's no good— I've told you already how he enchants people. Trust me on this, if you thought I was evil, you haven't met him." He says lowly, eyes never leaving mine.
     I bristle at his demand, hardheaded as always. I just couldn't find it in me to believe him, Callence seemed fine. The way he'd lain there wounded, golden brown curls glinting in the light, his strong jawline and pink lips curling into a grin; a dimple resting on his cheek.

       Ofcourse. How didn't I see it?
   The sly carefree attitude, how intense he'd looked at me the first time he saw me; it must've been because I was with Kilian. Curious, maybe— but evil, I don't know.
What was the first thing he uttered when he'd lain eyes on me, again?

"You— how have we not met?"

"Yours? I must've made a mistake."

        "Ah, I see, I thought you'd somehow managed to follow the—"

       All of these words from Callence, and a new determination in my eyes.

         I needed to speak with Callence. Half warlock, half... demon. The half breed brother.

      But first, I'd see to my fathers well being— that was the least I could do as his spawn. I sigh softly and glance up at Kilian.

       "I'll stay away." I say reluctantly— I know it's a lie through my teeth, but this wouldn't be the first time I'd lied to him; it was almost like I was born a liar, words running smoothly like liquid gold. He arched an eyebrow at me and released the tension from his strong shoulders.

       "Okay, good." He murmured, keeping his eyes trained on me as I gave a tight smile and turned to resume my tasks.
      "Good." He murmured under his breath again, more to himself than me. I pretended not to hear it and locked myself in the bathroom, heartbeat thumping wildly in my chest.

           Why did it feel as if there was a secret beneath the surface of his stormy exterior? Like he'd tensed in fear of something— and it was for lack of safety. Fuck that, now I needed to speak to Callence. If I was a fool for feeling for a demon, than I sure as hell would be the whole damn circus for talking to that demons brother who I'd been warned to stay away from— by said demon.

            I never claimed I was smart, and Callence didn't ring any warning bells in my head— enchanting and lungs short of breath? Yes. Evil and murderous? No, atleast not to me. This will be fine.

           Throughout the shower I continue to reassure myself, even as I scrub my skin and lather shampoo through my hair. The thought of Kilian's troubled expression should bring all of my thoughts of visiting Callence to a screeching halt, but instead all it does is make me want to speak with him all the more. The only one who was raising all of the red flags right now was Kilian, and if it was one thing I despised, it was being deceived.

It was a good thing I'd just felt the sting of rejection from Kilian.
If not, I'd possibly feel guilt for going against his wishes— but I was nobody's obedient puppet, and I never would be.

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