A Father's Tracks

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"Demons don't play by the rules. They lie and they cheat and they stab in the back."
—Alan Grant

Viola's POV

                       Darkness and a metallic tang of blood is all that surrounds my senses.

               I wouldn't regret my decision, taking back his eyeball. Even if the Raksha had made a deal with my daddy dearest— the deal wasn't his to make. He wasn't even supposed to leave on this crazy adventure about a stupid prophecy that had already begun long before he'd left home. I'd still be taken over by my ice— corrupted from my own magic.

               I'd still break my own heart.

         I'd still have faith that a certain demon I'd made a deal with had my back— and would be here for me. If not for his feelings; for mine.

         Instead I'm left with a shrieking Raksha, hellbent on spilling my innards at the bottom of this pungent river, my own magic damning me. My fist clenching a soft, slimy eyeball— my fathers last piece in this dimension. I was tired. It felt like this journey had just begun, yet— I wanted to give up already.

             Had it been worth it? Ripping out a sea demons possession just to make a point? I would not bend to its will; making deals with dark creatures who only thought of themselves was a thing of the past. At least if I die, I won't have to repay Kilian in the afterlife. My soul was not his to take, and for that— I rejoiced.

I see a burst of bubbles at the entrance hole at the top of the ice, a body emerging itself into the river— the Raksha doesn't pay it any mind as I still have the eyeball that it so desperately wants. The shrieking is infinite as it clutches its empty eye socket, growling— clawing at his wounded scales.

"Be a good girl," it hisses, having already let go of my arm. "Give me what is mine and more." It says, a calm fury crawling over its inhumane features. I almost smile, almost.

There in the midst of bubbles under the hole of the ice, A strong body clad in black armor; thunderous and angry as ever—Kilian.

A jolt of pleasure slithers through me as my deal tattoo starts to glow— a beacon on where to find me in the dark gruesome waters.
His black eyes search in every direction until they come across me and the Raksha, watching as it begs and pleads for the eyeball that I so desperately clutched to my chest. Approval shows in his eyes, not breaking his stare as he starts to swim toward me.

I had already blocked out every infuriating word the Sea Demon was whispering to me— but one word snagged my attention before Kilian could reach us.

"He came for the darkness to the light. That's me." It cackles. My chest constricts as I realize what this thing was trying to tell me.
       It recites the phrase in the prophecy perfectly, cackling as I claw at my throat for air.

          "Darkness to the light, Illuminates sight. That's the clue, no? What are you willing to give me for the truth to it." He hisses, swimming closer to my face— dragging one green moss covered scaly hand down my face, talons dragging down my cheeks. I purse my lips together as my lungs burn, mind trying to think of what's happening.

             Is he saying what I think he's saying?

            My thoughts are interrupted as my time runs out, water bursting into my mouth. I gasp for air, but all that happens is a throat full of river water. I'm drowning. I've lost sight of Kilian, my eyes clenching shut.

          "Make a deal, make a deal, make a deal." The Raksha hisses as me as I gurgle and swallow.

        Hands go around my waist, and I'm already sure of who it is.

          Darkness erupts around us, Kilian's way of teleporting to other places; I'm familiar with the price of these travels. The hushed whispers and hisses are all welcomed by me as I embrace what's happening, preparing myself for another one of Kilian's dark memory's to appear— but this time, his doesn't.

This time, one of my very own memories appear. A very old, and lost one.

I'm surrounded by a barred cage, white and wooden— a crib, I realize with a jolt. My eyes flitter around the room as I look for something, for someone. I find who I'm looking for as my eyes land on my mother, beautiful and still sitting at a vanity desk. She brushes out her blonde hair and humming a familiar tune. She grins up at the mirror as my father walks in, soaked in water and moss. Her grin falls as she takes in the sight of him.

Strange, I think to myself.

He seems lost and exasperated as my mother rises to comfort him in a hug. She doesn't shrink away from what he's covered in, rubbing his wet hair as he hurried his face in her neck.

"It'll be okay, my love." She says as his shoulders rise up and down, panting.

He's crying, sobbing, into my mother as she frowns.

"I need to find it— if I don't, Our girls will—" his voice sounds anguished as she soothes him, sitting him down on the bed.

"You will, I promise. It'll all work out, I know it will. If you keep searching you'll find it. I have faith in you." She reassures him, kissing his hand in adoration, and wiping away at his tears.

"If I don't find it in time— if..." he trails off as baby Viola squeals at them, not yet understanding what was happening. Claire wanders into the room, barely walking as she flops down on the ground. She giggles as our parents glance at us lovingly.

"Don't think about the 'ifs'." My mother caresses his cheek, but he turns to look at me, baby Viola swiftly. In his eyes, a decision has already been made. I can see that clear glint of an idea in his eyes— and I realize what day this is.

Kilian's portal is showing us the memory of the day my father took me away.

The day he left my mother and my sister.

He was looking for something under water— and I now know exactly what that was.

He was searching for the Raksha, the gatekeeper to the Tenora graveyard.

The Tenora graveyard was under water, in the river— he just hadn't known which river it was.

Darkness to the light, illuminates sight.

And after eighteen years, he had finally found it.

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