Just A Little Breakage

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Viola's POV

              His dark eyes watch me from beneath his lashes, and he's every bit of Kilian I'd grew feelings for this entire trip. The Kilian who's lips had been on mine just a little while ago. His father just smirks beside him as he watched the exchange. Deep down inside, I knew who he'd chose.

             "You know I can't do that, vi." He says softly, whispers it. I hear him, and find my eyes instantly filling with tears at the rejection.
   The king chuckles. I wipe at my eyes hastily as I look at them in disgust.

           "Oh don't be embarrassed dear girl." He chortles. "I'd be upset if my mate rejected the bond as well." The king is so full of euphoria at being chosen, I don't even have time to process any shock at the revelation. Just numb to them.

                "Coward." I bite out at Kilian. "You're a coward." And I meant those words. He'd chosen to stay to impress his father, to regain that bond.

          He'd turned his back on me because of his stupid pride, and we'd all known it.

                 "You'll be okay." He says quietly. "You're betrothed to The half breed, he'll take care of you. There's a bond there forged by your father, that's what the witch was trying to show you." Each word that comes out of his mouth takes an effort to be spat out, bitterness coating his every breath. Like if it hurt him almost as much as it hurt me.

He's talking about Callence and Mahtu. I shudder as tears cascade down my face, resentment starting to build.

               "That's, if she can make it out of here alive." The king states, looking every bit the powerful king that he is. Kilian pauses, taking in his words. Chewing on them in surprise.

              "You promised." Kilian says slowly.

           "Ah yes, that." The king blows a hair out of his face, making himself seem youthful.
           "I lied." He says simply as Kilian's eyes widen slightly.

            Then, rage.

             Effervescent, black, powerful rage. His eyes turn the color of ink, leaving no room for white. Shivers rack my body as he stands there, still as night.

His father continues to speak, but Kilian and I are no longer listening.

A bargain. I realize with a start. He'd struck a bargain with his father behind our backs. And yet, his father paid it no mind, gave it no power.
We both knew what was going to happen before anyone had moved. His father continued to taunt, rambling on unsuspecting.

But I knew better.

Kilian had been his loyal, obedient son that he'd abused for all of his miserable life.
The anger was there, the hatred was there, but now— now Kilian had a motive much more powerful than his own sense of doom.

His father had promised him that he wouldn't touch me. He probably promised to let us all walk away unscathed, and yet, it still surprised Kilian that it was a lie. He'd taken a chance on that bargain and lost.
His father didn't give a shit about any mate bond, he only cared for his own crown. Never his sons.

King Kaiden toiled about as I waited, the seconds turning long as we stared at each other, an understanding in my eyes.

         God, he was willing to shove me in Callence's arms to protect me from his father. He'd been willing to return and become that obedient puppy, serving his shithead fathers every order. He'd struck a bargain, something that was sacred to him— and yet to his father it was all a joke. A play of power.

          Well now that power was coming out to play, and not even his father could expect the final second.

             Chaos erupted, shadows streaming in from every corner as black smoke consumed our lungs. Every single one of those candles surrounding us blew out.
My dad. I drop his mother and shoot across the room where my father had been laying, the darkness making it so difficult to even see my arms in front of me.

        I stumble on someone's leg and realize it's my dad, I drop to my knees as he groans in pain.

       I shove my arms underneath his, ignoring the liquid seeping onto my knees and dress.
Who's blood, I didn't know.

        I haul my fathers body up, grinding my teeth at the dead weight leaning on me. I ignore the difficulty and continue my struggle to drag us across and out of the room.

           Darkness is still in every corner when I reach the door, but some recedes enough for me to see Kilian. His eyes are still that beautiful black, but blood is covering his body and his face— not his.
          I'm breathing heavily as I realize what's happened; the power radiating him was almost suffocating as I realize that in a matter of seconds, he'd became the king of Settrinos.

            His black eyes meet mine as his muscular warrior body shudders. Blood drips from his fangs, and I find my heart howling in longing.

               "Come." I say.
     "Come with me." I finish, but he looks behind me.

            I stiffen as an arm shoots around my waist and the smell of sage engulfs me.

         Kilian nods at Callence as I'm left struggling to grasp onto any real concept.

           "Kilian." I plead. But he turns away, darkness starting to spread again.

              I can feel Callence in my ear mumbling soft words, but the image of Kilian never leaves my mind as Callence teleports me and my injured father out of the castle; and far from the demon who'd struck a deal with me.

               Now in the arms of my bonded betrothed and holding the man that had struck that bargain itself, I'm left in disbelief.

                I vaguely hear Callence telling me that Atticus and Claire were safe, but still, the dark prince— now king,  linger in my mind. Almost as if I could still feel his watchful eyes.

             I close mine, mind muffled from anything going on around me.

               And I find myself falling into the deep end, coldness welcoming me.

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