The Summoning

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Viola's POV

The fire crackles, and I'm stuck thinking about what things could be like. The clock reads midnight, and yet, I can't sleep for shit. I sit up and huff in annoyance. I'm sweaty, peckish, and stuck wondering what life would be like if my father hadn't taken me away from my mother and sister. Is it normal to miss something that you've never known? Does it make me crazy to think that maybe, just maybe, going evil ice villain when I go into adulthood would've been worth it if that meant that I would get to be raised as a whole? With my entire family?

I comb my fingers through my dark hair and curse. It's making the heat even more unbearable.
I look around my bed for my missing hair tie, sighing in exasperation.

Would I be any different if I'd been raised by my mother instead? Would I feel differently if I was raised in my sister's place instead? Stupid prophecy. Stupid human feelings. Stupid sadness. I'm tired of lying awake at night and thinking of all the what if's. I think it's time to do what I've always fantasized of doing. Instead of sitting in wonder- I think it's time to summon him.

I know, I shouldn't be thinking of him at all. In fact, if my father even finds out that I've been rummaging around in his dark magic books- he'll literally kill me. Maybe.
I just couldn't help myself- my mind kept running on possibilities and it was killing me slowly. I've read the incantation over and over again- debating if I'd ever have the courage to summon him. If I'd ever be brave enough to bargain with that monster- to bargain for a glimpse of what my life could've been. Would I hate myself for it? Probably.

Would he kill me for even asking? Probably.

I'm just so sick of feeling this suffering. I need to see at least a fragment of what my life would've been if I wasn't born with this power. If I wasn't born a monster.

So maybe monster to monster- he'll understand? Or maybe he'll chop off your head and eat it, let's find out! I think sarcastically to myself as I reach under my bed and touch the leather bound book underneath my bed. The book that contained the prophecy- and so much more.

I plop it onto my lavender sheets and stare at it's sinister carvings. It's what attracted my attention to the book in the first place- the carved warnings, and drawings describing the very word evil. It intrigued me. I'm pretty stupid, what can I say. I play with the bottom of my thin silk night dress, it's thin straps sliding down my milky white shoulders. I pull them back up and take a deep breath. Was I brave enough to do this?

I guess the answer was a yes.

I flip the book open, the smell of dust rising up to my nostrils. I flip to the same page that I've been flipping to every night for about a month.

"Happy anniversary." I joke to myself as I find the page that I've been reading and staring every night. I sigh as my eyes scan the incantation and reach the drawing of the man.

His thick eyelashes and red eyes seem to sparkle at me as I scan his facial features. The artist really knew what they were doing- every stubble hair, every dark brown hair on the top of his head, the devilish smirk he wore on his face- everything was perfect. Everything was so realistic looking, it almost scared me for a moment. This devastatingly handsome demon was exactly what I was going to summon today. Right now.

"Half demon." I remind myself as I stare at the fangs poking out from his smirk. Vampire fangs. I almost smiled to myself. It was every teenage girls dream to meet a sexy half demon half vampire- but right now he could end my life as soon as I awaken him. No questions asked. I take a deep breath.

       I jump as I hear a wooden log crack under the fires pressure and I glance at the fireplace.

       I smile, feeling silly at my jittery nerves.

       "If he kills me, he kills me." I shrug with a grin. Soon that grin drops off of my face as I realize how true that sentence actually is. But I needed answers- not just about my family- but about the prophecy too. I bite my lip and clutch onto my sheets, eyes scanning the spell.

         A summoning spell- for a wicked evil. Or at least that's what he's described as- but he's also described as the truth teller. And of course as any demon is able to- he could show me things I wanted to see. The only difference is- he wouldn't be able to show me lies like any other demon. He was a truth teller- and that's where all of my hopes and dreams will be. In that one sentence. He is a truth teller.

"Kilian Vergio." I whisper his name, almost frightened to say it. The fire flickers as I stare at the summoning spell- would this come to bite me in the ass later on? Maybe. I take a deep breath and run my eyes along the spell one more time before saying it out loud.

         As soon as the words are out of my mouth, the fire goes out.

         I feel a cool breeze caress my shoulders and I shiver. Had I done it? Had I summoned him?

        The fire lights back up- but this time, there's another person in the room with me.

         "Oh fuck." I curse, the reality spreading of what I had actually done slapping me in the face. He's leaning on the fireplace, red eyes connect with mine as he gives me a wicked smirk. He takes a step forward as my heart sinks, dread piling up in my stomach, and also- butterflies? His fangs gleam in the fire light as he eyes me down.

          "Happy anniversary, sweetheart." His voice smooth like silk rings out. I go pale. He clasps his hands together and glances around my room, and I'm suddenly embarrassed of all the band posters taped up.

          "Well? You summoned me?" He asks, just as my pulse quickens and I make up my mind on whether or not I want to speak.

         "I need you." I squeak out, not at all like the strong womanly voice I had practiced in the mirror. My cheeks redden in embarrassment.

           He grins at me, and for a moment- I'm mesmerized. And then I remind myself that he's a wicked evil- and that this is what he does best. He fools people with charm and trickery. He licks his lips as my strap falls down my shoulder, yet again. His eyes drop down to my neck, I shiver in fear.

             "Of course you do."He says.

                  "Let's make a deal." He says, coming closer to me. I sit up straighter, hoping my father doesn't hear anything that's being said in this room. I sigh. Of course he wants something in return.

            Of course he does.

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