Deceit Of A Demon

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Viola's POV

Kilian lied.

I'm livid by the time we burst through the inky darkness of Kilian's portal and onto snow; possibilities of why he'd lie swimming through my mind in scenarios.

I'm clutched in his grasp as we barrel into the snow, his arms cradling me against his chest as he shivers. I try to claw myself out of his reach, but he just tightens his grasp, his eyes searching mine— but I turn to look away at every opportunity, disgust and unease churning in my gut.

"Viola." His voice like silk sounds out, his eyes turn back to his familiar heated red. He grips onto my wet chin and turns my face to look at him; I clench my teeth, nose tempted to rise into a snarl. His eyes continue the search, confused as to what's happening, why I'd be so angry with him. He views himself as a prince who'd just saved me from a Raksha, as if I hadn't realized his plan after all.

Had he been deceiving me that entire time?

"What is it? Did it hurt you?" His faux concern tightens my gut, and I feel as if I'm going to be sick. His eyes latch onto my wounded arm, bloodied my the Raksha's sharp teeth as I hear my sister's shouts.

"Oh thank goodness!" She screeches, barreling through the clearing in the woods with Atticus hot on her heels.
"I thought he wouldn't be able to get to you in time— Merlin and Valdus stayed by the river just in case." She pants as she reaches us, frowning as she notices my gushing arm. 

                "He got to me at the perfect time." I say through clenched teeth as both Kilian and Claire furrow their eyebrows.

                "I can heal this for you." He gets ready to touch my arm, but I quickly slither out of his grasp while the opportunity is still present. It's tense as everyone watches me get up, clutching my arm and hissing in pain.

              "Vi?" Claire says cautiously, looking at my clenched fist warily. The eyeball, how could I forget? I outstretch my arm to her, and open my fist.

            She squeals in disgust at the sight of it, turning away for a quick second.

              "Fuck Viola! Can't you just give me a slight warning before you go showing off ripped eyeballs and hairy ballsacks from your trophy collection?!" She clutches her chest for a second, not expecting me to have an eyeball, of all things.

             "It's the last of him." I say quietly.

         She's still panting from her run and the shock as she raises her eyebrows at me in wonder.

          "Why would you want the last anything from that thing?" She laughs as my face stays solemn, hardening like a brick at her humorous tone.

               "Of our father." I say tightly, anger still coating every tendril of my body soaked in blood and dirty river water. What I say wipes the smile off of her face, a slow show of terror filling her eyes. I can expect her heart has dropped by now as Atticus reaches forward to bring her to him. She searches my eyes for any sign of a telltale joke, but I am deathly serious.

              "I don't understand." Her voice wobbles, but she clears her throat and straightens her posture.

               "I would explain, but I think Kilian would do us a whole lot better at that." I turn to him, bitterness in my tone. His eyebrows shoot up in shock, but he narrows his eyes at my tone.

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