A Vampire's Pride

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Winter of 1997

A chilled wind swept through the manor hallways, and somewhere in the darkness- a man was kissing his wife goodbye as she slept. In the silvery moonlight he crept towards the nursery, stealthy as a fox. Not one servant had seen or even imagined what would go down tonight. The house slept as he carried on what would be his deepest regret in life.

A baby's cry could be heard as she was stirred awake, oblivious to what her father was up to. She had only heard his rapid footsteps and the scribbling of a pen on parchment paper. He left a note explaining why he was leaving- and why he took what he did, who he did.

          He packed up his infant daughter's belongings and took one last glance at his eldest daughter— a one year old Claire. Her blonde hair glimmered in the moonlight, something she had inherited from her elegant spirited mother. He would miss looking at a mini Eleanor, knowing that he would not be able to return home— he kissed her goodbye.

One Scathing tear dragging its way down his rough cheek, he closed his blue eyes knowing that this was for the best. This was for the prophecy.

"Goodbye my sweet baby." He murmured, reciting the words he'd memorized— a memory spell erasing him from her memory as she knew him. The loving father who'd taken care of her for the first wonderful year of her life was now an empty blank slate. No memory of his warm chest cradling hugs, or the moments he'd throw her into the air and make her giggle until she had hiccups. No spoon feeding applesauce, staring at her lovingly, and no presents he'd given her out of love. Just a cold empty loneliness that could never be replaced.

He was forgotten.

He wrapped his arms around his newborn, Viola, and worked his way out of their lives. He and his infant vanished from the manor completely, not leaving the slightest footprint. This was for the greater good, his family's safety. No evidence of him ever being there except for his wife's memories- her wedding ring, and a small note saying goodbye.

He went away to somewhere far from them, taking his youngest child and some cash with him- leaving behind his riches to his wife.

He knew they'd be better off this way.

Even if it hurt his soul to leave, even if the prophecy hadn't involved him.
It had to be done.

              He had to protect them from his infant— from Viola.

He would never be the same.

Autumn of 2015, 18 years later
Viola's POV

                 I can see the water in the creek turn to ripples as I throw stones at it- I was never good at skipping stones. I grab another stone- a rustic orange looking rock, and throw it at the center of the water. I huff, watching as it sinks like an animal caught in quick sand.

             "Quite a throw- my little football star." I hear a deep voice sound out, and feel fingers ruffle my hair. I slap the hands away with a laugh.

           "You wish I was a football player." I say. I'm much more content kicking balls around instead of catching them. Soccer- that's one thing that helped me keep my mind off of all the things going wrong in my life. And it was a hell of a distraction- in fact, I once nailed Shelly Turner in the face with my bedazzled ball. I was pretty proud back then. I hear a chuckle as I turn to see my dad watching me with the same icy blue eyes that I'd inherited. He's rubbing his chin, brown hairs growing in a five o'clock shadow framing his face. I hold my hands out to him.

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