Facing truth

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Viola's POV

The stairs were a never ending spiral that seemed to hum with unleashed power. Even the stone carved steps were heated slightly, and I almost sent out a prayer for Claire not to lose herself. That crazed gleam in her eye... for Atticus she'd do it. The betrayal and seeing us lose seemed to have triggered it, and even though I was thankful— I was also worried.

What of me? What if I could be triggered enough to turn into some dragon and slaughter as many as I wanted, as many dared oppose me. Could I do it?

I shake my head, balling up my fists.

I'd have to do it, for my father. I will do it. No matter who I have to face, if it's Kilian, so be it. His face appears in my mind, chiseled and glorious, a beautiful warrior. A strong demon, the demon. The prince of Settrinos. Unease churns in my gut as I think to myself, as heartbreaking as it will be to lay a hand on someone I have feelings for, it'd be more painful to let him hurt the man that raised me. The man who'd locked him up in that grimoire so long ago.

I shove my hands in the pockets of my red gown, paper crinkling among my fingers. I furrow my eyebrows. What the hell? I pause walking up the stairs as I take out what hadn't been there before.
    A folded piece of parchment, crinkled and yellowed with age stares up at me as I stare in silence. I start to unfold it and find that it's dusty as well.

            Lines are marked throughout the paper, some jagged and others made into empty boxes. Some trail to the end of the paper and end there, drawn off. I realize what it is with a start; a map. Some sort of crazy, strung out, drawn map.
       It had to make sense somehow but— a map for what?

       The prophecy flashes through my mind and I can feel my heart thundering in my chest. Was I afraid? So many emotions, I can't tell what I'm feeling.

"War and destruction will be abrupt when-
Ice and flame paired one in the same.
Cold blooded killer, might be ruin- might fulfill her.

Darkness to the light, Illuminates sight.
      Grave and stone, down to the bone-
    Mayhap and wonder, those who go under.
         Reluctant paths, seize the maps.
     Save the war, with the spirit of the door.
    Only those who go in will find their true kin-
              Dark and light, those who must fight.
          Join the war, with the element- Amor. "

I recite to myself, looking over the map carefully.

        I had no idea what it led to, but I had an idea of how it could've gotten in my gown pocket; magic. It had to be Mahtu... hadn't she been told to help me? I think back to where Kilian had interrupted her visions— could that have been on purpose? Had he interrupted something that would've possible helped me in the long run? I suddenly feel nauseous, illness snaking around my body as I think of him in this negative light.

          His smirk flashes in my mind, sexy and secretive, and those brooding eyes that will crush anyone who tries to hurt me... I shake my head once again.

          I shove the map back into my pocket and continue my fast pace up the staircase, impatience thrumming with every heartbeat. Anxiety starts to pool in my stomach, and the miserable butterflies don't seem to stop their chaotic flight in my abdomen.

          I think back to King Atticus, and frown.
   He's gotten caught so easily, I wonder if he'd even put up a fight among the hall of demons partying downstairs.
      Perhaps not, maybe it would be too much of a risk, he was king of Holdrex after all;what do I know.

           After atleast ten minutes of stairwell, I come to realize that this staircase still seemed the same distance and wasn't ending at all. I swallow and make sure that I'm not going crazy in here, but as I glance downwards, I see the floor that I left Claire behind at.

         "Oh, fuck me." I say in frustration.

        The steps, they'd been enchanted.

        What the hell could I do against magic? Absolutely fucking nothing. I was an amateur and this was a fools errand. I sniff the air and vaguely smell the tang of a night breeze, Kilian flowers and citrus drinks. I sigh and glance out of the small windows lining the staircase. A dark forest in the distance greets me as the willow trees swiftly move along with the breeze.

           I take a deep breath and pause my thinking, putting too much stress to find an answer never helps me. I regulate my breathing and open up my eyes again.

         This would be so much easier if I could fly.

       The thought comes out of nowhere, but it isn't useless at all. I stand straighter, a gleam in my eye as I glance at all of the small windows.

            They were all tiny, but not so tiny that I couldn't squeeze myself out of them. I glance around at the latches and try to open them, finding myself successful.   

          If there's one thing I'd observed during this entire journey, it's that there are bound to be weak spots in spells. They had spelled the inside of the staircase, but had they been sure to do the same to the outside?

        I grin to myself and open up the window further, glancing down to see there was barely a fall at my feet.
       I'd really just walked in circles for ten minutes, I try not to let the frustration eat at me at that fact. 

         But damn if it didn't piss me off.

"Demonic assholes." I mutter to myself as I shove my body out of the window. My top half is easy to fit through, but once I arrive at my hips I start to feel problems arise. Trying to squeeze them out causes me slight pain, gritting my teeth I put both hands on the outside stony walls and push with all my might.

Just when I think I'll give up and just go back down to exit through the main entrance, my body launches through the elf sized window and collapses with a thump onto the grass outside. Some of the leaves manage to slip through my lips and I groan, spitting them out.

Just a little while ago those lips were on a certain demon. My heart thumps at the thought.

"Oh shut the fuck up already." I mumble at my loud thoughts, and haul myself up from the ground.

          The outside area of the castle has no sentinels patrolling, and pause to try to hear if the party was coming my way. Absolute silence greets my ears, and I grin. I glance up at the second floor window and realize I might have to break it open as the latches were inside. I roll my shoulders back and focus my ice to come out and play.

        Frost begins to coat my fingertips and I feel the frozen touch lengthen to my neck and chin. My breath begins to come out in visible clouds and I hold out my hands as I will it to expand.

       Crystal impenetrable icicles latch onto my wrists and create sharp blades protruding out and anchoring onto my arms. I stare up at the stone walls and find grout spots to jam my ice into.

          This was going to be rough on my upper body strength, but I can do it.

            And as I shove my blade through the first crack in the wall to go face the truth, I already feel triumphant.

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