By The River

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Viola's POV

               That night, I struggle trying to lull myself to sleep. We had called it a night after my heart froze, Claire noticed my lips had started to turn a wicked shade of frosted blue. I hadn't thought of anything else, not of the entrance of Settrinos, not of the spirit of the door— only Kilian.

               The mere demon prince that has the willpower to build me up, or to crumble me to bits. It was in the prophecy, and it killed me not knowing if he was the sentence of my death, or the beacon of light that would save me. Considering his past, I'd go with the death one.

               I feel as if my eyes remained open all night, I hadn't felt well rested at all. Tossing and turning until daylight broke and a pink glow filled my tent. I shifted uncomfortably in my bed, knowing that people would be awake soon and I still hadn't gotten a minute of sleep. Rage wells up in my chest, and I curse Kilian's name in my mind over ten times.

I was lying if I said I hadn't tried blaming him for everything— but the fault always comes to me. Frustrating as that may be, I guess a bit of accountability isn't so bad. Dad always said that the bigger man will take responsibility of their faults, no matter how small. In this case, summoning a demon who'd been trapped for centuries and then striking multiple deals; dealing my fate, wasn't exactly a minimal thing. I wasn't proud of what I'd done, but I somehow feel five steps closer to finding my blood, and that gave me more relief than anything.

Dragging myself out of bed was harder than taking responsibility for my actions— as if I were the old crone instead of Varla. My muscles popped and joints ached as if I'd done twenty five sets of sit ups yesterday.

"Jesus." I mumble, rubbing the crust out of my eyes and scanning them over the grimoire. It was a precaution of mine— I still wasn't done checking every page out, and the nerves that I'd get at the thought of Varla finding out I'd taken it were erupting every five seconds. Goosebumps littered my arms at every anxious thought that struck, and I was tempted to skip my morning bath in order to finish reading it.

                Deciding that I'd make myself sit down and study it after a bath and breakfast, I grabbed a turquoise towel folded neatly inside of my camp. I guess while I'd been sleeping Claire or someone had dropped off a couple toiletries, like a toothbrush and hairbrush. A couple things that you'd take to a hospital— except this wasn't a hospital. This was a war camp filled with husky, sweaty, non humans; training to kill. Soon they'd be awake, but I'd be sure to finish my bath before any of those warriors finished their last snore.

Creeping past Kilians tent, I tiptoe towards the area that Claire had mentioned there'd be a river stream. The blue jays chirped happily as the suns rose to form the morning sky, enlightening me with milky pinks and golden hues. After walking for about ten minutes, I managed to find the Clearwater stream that Claire had been talking about, and I really took a minute to take it all in. Jagged rocks created soft ripples in the flowing current, and it looked deep enough for me to get a quick full body soak.

Dipping my big toe I squealed in delight, not realizing that it'd be that frosty in the morning with the sunshine beating down on it.

"Just the temperature I like." I shake my shoulders in glee, doing a little dance before stripping off my dirty clothes. I'm sure I'd be able to find another outfit in my tent drawer, I just hadn't checked. Enveloping my entire body into the stream I purr at the sensation as my nipples harden at the temperature. I go on about my usual bath schedule, washing my locks of hair, soaping my body up— and brushing my pearly whites. I was almost done when I'd heard the rustle of leaves in between the trees.

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