Devilish Minds, Tortured Thoughts

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Viola's POV

An uneasy feeling enters me as I feel the aura around us— the sinister in Kilian. What I thought had to be all good, foolish I was. Disbelief pours into my thoughts as I stay stuck on him— on those onyx black eyes.

"You're lying." I whisper, eyes unflinching. He grins, showing off the two pointy teeth in his mouth. The ones I had once thought would look nice giving me passionate bites. I stop my lustful thoughts right where they start, knowing that this was a demonic thing. That this is what they were known to be like. Tempting, and very malicious.

"Vi," his eyes flicker to red for a moment, almost showing the Kilian that I'd grown to learn more and more about. But then those disastrous black eyes returned. "You know better than anyone else, I don't lie." He finishes, his hands loosening on my hips momentarily. I take advantage of his loose hands, slipping off of his lap and backing away from him. He frowns, clicking his tongue. I think I'm going to be sick.

"This doesn't mean necessarily that I'm the bad guy—" he starts, getting off of the chair as I take another step back.

"Then what does it make you? A fucking saint?" I hiss, clutching the grimoire to my chest.
"What were you doing with me? Toying with my human emotions? Making deals with me as your plaything?" I say in disgust, a tremble in my voice. There goes that red flash in his eyes again, and this time, I manage to get a peek of a terrorized Kilian. Tortured at what I'm saying.

"God no— well at first, when you had first summoned me," he tries to explain as I start to shake my head, eyes tearing. I couldn't explain why I had felt like I had been betrayed, the bond was there. The deal marks were there on my skin. "I was going to kill you." He says softly as I freeze up. Tears start to pool out of my eyes, large salty drops dragging their way heavily down my flushed cheeks.

"You asshole." I spit through my clenched teeth. "I can't believe this." I say looking away from him, to the floor in shame. Varla's words of shame echoing through my mind. She had been right. She had told me those things mere hours ago— and here I was. Looking like the fool I was.

"No." He growls out, trying to grab me. I stumble away, moving away from his grasp.
"No, I couldn't. Not after you had looked at me that way— like you had seen me." He chokes out, as if he's disgusted with himself. With what he had felt that day. A tortured demon indeed.

            "You had whispered those things to me— had read the warnings on the book. And yet," he shakes his head with a pained smile. His eyes slowly go back to red, as he looks at me with shame.

               "When I realized who your father was," he laughs bitterly, as if it was something he had thought nonstop about. "I thought 'how fucking cruel can Mother Nature be?' This beautiful girl frees me, not knowing what the fuck she's doing. You don't realize what you've unleashed on the world— I had laughed about it at first." He whispers as his eyes get glassy, as if he felt empty just talking about it. My lips were trembling, and I felt as if I couldn't speak. Stupid fucking crush.

                "But then, after I had stopped laughing— I realized that I hadn't killed you." He gulps and looks up at me slowly, territorially. "And then I realized why I hadn't killed you."

By now I had enough, raising my hand to silence him.

"Let me guess," I put a finger to my lips as I act like I'm thinking about it. "Demon meets girl, girl treats demon like he has good in him and so the demon finally feels good about himself? So he keeps the girl around until she's tired of being in his debt? Is that why you aren't calling in any favors?" I snap, walking closer to him. He shakes his head, strong jaw clenching.

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