A Villain Is One Of Us

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Viola's POV

             The grass is damp and the dirt mush beneath my hard fast feet. The smell of trees, wildflowers and soil were strong and I wished I'd had the chance to truly appreciate the beauty of this dimension instead of these spare fleeting glances.

           A woodpecker drills in the distance and I spare a double take, stumbling on my footing.
Okay, no biggie, there are woodpeckers in the underworld. There are trees, why wouldn't the rest of the ecosystems exist?
        My breath is coming out in pants as I look forward again and narrowly sidestep a tree before I run into it like a female George of the jungle.

      This is god awful, who did I think I was; I hate running. My chest is burning and I'm pretty sure I was slowing down a bit. How hadn't Callence caught up to me with how agile he'd been moving when put up against Kilian? I'm sure super strength was just one of his many prospects, shouldn't his feet be moving like the flint stones right now?

      I glance over my shoulder and notice the forest has gone extremely quiet.
Should I be worried? For me or for him?

         Suddenly my feet stop moving as I scan the woods behind me, the massive lush trees leaving my imagination running wild.
     Was he toying with me?
    The thought brings a chill to my shoulders as I bite my lip slightly.

As I turn to start running again I halt abruptly, recalling what he'd called me when I'd started having a freak out.


That word... it was the last word in the prophecy.
Could it just be a coincidence? It is after all just a word he'd used as a pet name. I sigh softly, but stiffen as I hear a crunch in the twigs behind me.


"You come near me and I'll send a blast of ice up your asshole." I threaten shakily without turning to look at him. I hear a low raspy chuckle as I swallow thickly.

"Those threats do nothing but excite me." The twig crunches again and the sensation of awareness tingles down my spine as I hear Callence inhale the air.
"I can smell what you're feeling you know."

I pause my breathing as he stops his trek at my back.

"Your fear," his hand lifts, circling my waist and bringing me to his front. He inhales again.
"Your panic," he continues in a rumble as I start to tremble. Did I like this? Oh god.
He hesitates, and then in almost a purr he speaks up.

"Your arousal." He says, voice thick with something akin to need.

Is this what Claire meant when she'd explained something clicking in fated mates?

He buries a hand into my hair and grabs a fistful of my hair, pulling at it softly until my head is falling onto his shoulder.

"I was right; you look magnificent in this dress— it brings out your eyes. Although I'm sure you'd look better with it off." He says, running his nose on my neck and nuzzling as liquid heat pools at my center. I clench my thighs together hoping that didn't intensify my scent.

Indignation and shame aren't the first things I feel—lust and curiosity beat those emotions down with a paddle stick a while ago, unfortunately.

"You're a villain, I was warned against your magic tricks." I speak up, forcing myself to have some sort of backbone— back cartilage, bendable and flimsy but taking a stand nonetheless.
"Kilian warned me."

He smiles against my neck, and I sense his amusement in waves. His tongue flickers out and strokes softly at my pulse causing my lust to go into overdrive.

Whore. I tell myself, but it's not enough to stop him— not enough for me to want him to stop. Then, he speaks up again; words slow and full of consideration.

"A villain is one of us," he nuzzles my throat and groans softly as I bite back a purr of pleasure, already feeling the fated pull in full force. "But that, my little mate, is for you to decide"

         My mind blanks, but I'm sure he's speaking about whether I choose him or Kilian. I didn't even consider it to be a choice; fated mates wasn't really explained in thorough detail— would we get sick if separated? Kilian had brought up rejection and that made Callence have a sparkle in his eye similar to a murderous animal making me believe that it was true.

        I arch my back slightly, but force myself to stop as I say what's on my mind.

            "And if I," I hesitate as he bring his berry colored lips onto my throat and suckles softly eliciting a shiver from me. I clear my throat with a last bit of effort.
         "If I want to reject you?" I finish, words coming out with a bite to them. I don't want to reject him— that isn't much of an option for me; I'd never been good with self discipline. Callence tenses, his towering figure straightening slightly; but then he answers me.

"I'd set the sky on fire and rip apart the fabric of time until I'm granted the chance to have your lips on mine" he murmurs, deep voice grating against me like a rumble emanating from his chest; a powerful man at my back. He chuckles again, but this time it's cold.
"Rejection won't stop my pursuit. You're mine, and if you still want my brother..." he stops himself, but I can tell he's got that cold look on his face again without looking at him.

I arch my back a bit more and turn my head slightly so that I'm looking up at him as he stares down at me— his black eyes still present— no cobalt blue shining through. No flirty boyish smirk— just lethal quiet rage in a man who looked like he'd let his primal animalistic instincts take over.
I lick my lips slowly as his thumb brushes down my bottom lip in a feather light movement, and he flicks his tongue over his white teeth.
He leans in slowly, and I watch in anticipation, my eyelids becoming heavy with want. My body pulsing, carnal desire taking over.
But then like a splash of cold water, he finishes his sentence.

"I'll kill him and make you watch."

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