Meeting Maybe Claire

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Viola's POV

             I tap my shoe against the 'welcome' Mat in front of the door and practice what I'm going to say.

         "Hey! You have my sister and I need her to find my dad." I mutter and then roll my eyes.
        "No, that's weird. How about 'Sup? Claire in there with you?'" I drag my palm down my face and cringe. "I didn't think it could get worse." I whisper to myself.

            I take a peak over my shoulder to find Kilian leaning on a tree with his smooth muscular arms over his chest, waiting. I swallow, and turn back around to face the oak door.

            "Maybe this is a bad idea." I panic and turn to run back to Kilian- but I hear something inside of the castle. It sounds like footsteps walking through the place- and how creepy would it be if they opened the door and found me standing there like a creepy garden gnome? No offense gnomes that aren't creepy. Who am I kidding, they're all creepy.

             I take a large breath and hold it, only releasing it after I've knocked on the door three times.

           I feel quick regret and a feeling of anxiousness in the pit of my stomach at what I've just done. I hear Kilian cheer behind me as my eyes narrow.

          "He's the Devil reincarnated." I mutter as I hear him snicker.

         "You have no idea." He mutters, but I hear it clear as day. Before I can question what he means, the door swings open.

I come face to face with a beautiful servant. Wow, even his slaves are majestic- how rich and fancy is this guy? Her crystal blue eyes stare at me in curiosity. Strands of brown hair fall onto my forehead and I move it away from my face unconsciously as I stand there staring like a big dummy with my drab brown hair and blue eyes. Her eyebrows furrow as she observes my nervous behavior, I probably look like a lunatic.

"Er— can I help you?" Her soft melodic voice rings out, as I glance up at her again.

          Finally, I open my mouth and say something.

         "Hi!" I say with the confidence of a thousand runway models. I almost wish I could take that greeting away, but my mouth has already opened. Here comes my stupid rambling. I bite on my nail— an attempt to slow my talking down so I don't sound like a complete idiot. It works.

"Does an Atticus live here?" I ask, waiting for an answer.

          She almost stops breathing, her cheeks turning a red color. I almost ask the poor girl if she's okay but the look she gives is one short of jealousy. An ugly emotion, really. I frown as she seems to snap herself out of observing me and takes a short breath— perhaps trying to clear her head of any nasty things. A hundred ways to kill a girl asking for my man at the door. I almost chuckle at myself but I remind myself that she's just a servant, maybe she just has a crush on him. But she is beautiful. So maybe he does have a relationship with her. But— then why did he take Claire?

I start to tap my chucks in impatience, a bad habit of mine since I was seven.

"He does— May I ask why you want to know that?" She asks, her pink lips pursuing.

        I flash her a grin, showing off all of my pretty shark teeth— and outstretching my hand.

"My name is Viola, but you can call me Vi." I say, watching for any sort of confusion. She eyes my hand cautiously, and I almost laugh. She's looking at it as if my hand could morph into a gun and kill her. Relax.

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