The Gateway

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Viola's POV

"The Tenora graveyard." I say slamming the grimoire down on the wooden oak bench. I'd rummaged through it all morning, and when I'd found what I was looking for, I marched my little butt through the camp— risking being seen by Varla.

                 "The gateway," I breath out. "is in the Tenora graveyard."

              Claire clears her throat slightly as she and Atticus look up from their morning cup of tea. Atticus puts his mug on the wooden bench as they glance at each other in unease.

              "That's-" Claire starts, but I cut off her words before she can express how unsure she is about the place.

             "Yeah yeah, tell me everything you know about it." I plop down on the wooden bench, seated right in front of them. My hair ruffles in the light wind, sun beaming on my face showing my sheer determination.

              "Look, Vi— Atticus and I have talked about a possibility of the gateway being in the Tenora graveyard..." she says sympathetically as my leg bounces in anticipation.

             "Good!" I clap once. "That means you guys are prepared for what's to come." I grin as her expression falls slightly. She bites her lip as Atticus places his hand atop hers in a calming gesture. I furrow my eyebrows at that and swallow slightly.

             "Or not good? What's wrong?" I frown slowly, scamming both of their faces for a sign of emotion other than remorse.
         "Come on guys, you can tell me. I'm not some child— and it's my dad we're talking about here." I whisper at them, almost frantically. I know that they haven't really said much, but their reactions are making my pulse go rapid and my palms sweat. I know they're holding something back, and it wouldn't be fair for me to come all this way for them to hide things from me.

            "I know, he's my dad too but—" Claire pauses slightly, wincing for effect. "It's dangerous, Vi. The Tenora graveyard is a forbidden place in this dimension— one of the couple forbidden places. It's known for taking too much from people, that's why it isn't used anymore." Claire explains quietly, eyes flicking up at Atticus's brown eyes. He understands her plea for help and opens his mouth to speak.

                 "You guys sound like punks." Kilian emerges from the trees, a basket full of berries in his hands. I raise my eyebrow at the assortment of strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and another berry that I can't put my finger on.

               "Poison berries." Kilian says at my Questioning glance as he sits beside me.
           "The old hag asked me to go pick her some fruit, and I didn't really have anything better to do. She asked for this specific assortment." He mutters as he plops a strawberry into his mouth, giving me a fanged smile.

"It's not about being punks— you know what that graveyard does to people." Atticus says in a dangerously quiet tone. Kilian shrugs and plops another berry into his mouth.

"If you can't handle it, stay behind with the rest of the children." Kilian says as he glances at me under his eyelashes.

"I know you can take it, Vi. So we can go in a couple of hours. Gateways to Settrinos only open in the nighttime, hence your father leaving in the middle of the night." He says, minty breath fanning my face as I avert my eyes and ignore the close proximity of his invite.

"Sounds like a plan." I clear my throat in discomfort as Atticus glares in Kilians direction.

"Prick." Atticus spits as Kilian smiles slightly like a cat who just got a warm saucer of milk.

"Why yes Atticus, I do have a large—" Kilian starts lowly as I interrupt their conversation.

"Are you guys still in?" I ask looking directly as Claire as she fidgets. She sighs slightly and nods in agreement. Atticus does a double take in her direction, as they stare each other down. His eyes are wide in incredulity and Claire seems unashamed. She gets up swiftly and turns from the table.

"Like Kilian said— if you don't like it, then stay with the kids." She says and walks away as Kilian and I choke on our laughter. Atticus glowers, but reluctantly follows her away from the bench and into the war camp.

"Mates." Kilian chuckles, and gets up, grasping a handle on the woven berry basket. The other hand, he offers it to me with a dashing smile.

"Wanna do something fun before we're doomed to hell?" He asks and I bite my lip in thought.

"It depends." I say after a couple seconds, hesitantly placing my hand in his warm one. His hand is filled with calluses, making it known that he was used to doing hard work and grueling tasks— like his training yesterday.

"Does that something fun have anything to do with making people miserable?" I ask as his grin widens.

"Only if you want it to." He responds.

"I do not." I say, snatching my hand back from him. To this, he chuckles slightly.

"But if I did," I ponder for a second, lowering my voice as I look up at him. "Who would we be making miserable?" My expression is filled with nothing but curiosity, and he seems a bit taken aback by it. He leans forward to whisper into my ears, shoulder brushing onto mine.

"Only those who deserve it. Perhaps—" He starts, but it interrupted by a piercing shriek of terror. We both jump apart as I look in the direction the scream came from— the camps.

"Claire!" I gasp, mind automatically jumping to those I cared for.

"Viola, don't— I told you what to do if this happens—" Kilians voice booms from behind me, but it's too late. I'm lifting the skirts of my dress and taking off in the direction of the screams.

Whatever it was would have to face me, very soon.

Even if it was the villainess I had been warned of— the attacks said to have been taken on the camp. The war raging on the one and only 'Mother Recluse'.

My father had trained me for anything, but was I prepared for when worst comes to worst?

I don't have time to finish my thoughts as I feel a presence next to me. Kilian.
He gives me a look of determination and annoyance, but continues to run next to me. I grin up at him, knowing that I'd won once again.

             I wasn't alone in this.

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