Captive Dragon

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      "Some girls are full of heartache and poetry and those are the kind of girls who try to save wolves instead of running from them."
                                    —Nikita Gill

Viola's POV

              The staggering scent of blood and decay is imminent, the metallic tinge causing nausea to rise abruptly. I glance around on his lap, taking in the sight of his bedroom— and snagging abruptly on the culprit of the smell. My stomach flips and the urge to expel my stomach contents is strong as I stare at the body In horror.

On the desk across the room lays half of King Kaiden's bloody body; almost as if it were being dissected. I stiffen as the effects of fear finally hit me and I realize what Is happening. Never have I felt such fear in regards to being around Kilian— but this man, this isn't someone I know. It's someone who fooled me, seduced me, and is now using me for his own perversions and war agenda. I'm sickened to my core as I scramble off of his lap, unable to hide my breathless response to the gory sight across the room.

"What the hell kilian." I hiss at him as my body leaps off of the bed and my hands spring behind me to clutch a wall, as I back up. He stares at me intensely, the ghost of a smile appearing on his lips as he watches my reaction.

       "It's tradition." He gestures to the body, standing slowly as my chest contracts, breath getting harder and harder to reach me. I couldn't hyperventilate right now— I need to be stronger. But God, the smell was making my eyes water, and for once in my life I actually felt like my own life was on the line— one that I'm supposed to be able to protect.

       I was fearful of him and his unpredictability.

             "Every king of Settrinos who's had to slaughter to get the throne hang the head of those they've slaughtered in the throne room. You probably didn't see them the last time you were here. I wouldn't have had to do it because I'm already next in line, but father was becoming a nuisance to listen to." He gives a chilling smile as I shiver and swallow deeply.

        Ah yes, mommy and daddy issues so now I kill if someone annoys me too much. What would he do to me if I don't sit on that throne beside him? If I don't let him kill Claire?
     My spine straightens as I force a neutral stare on my face, pushing any fear out of my brain. Act smartly now, feel your emotions later.
      My shoulders straighten as I raise my chin and push off of the wall, taking a step toward Kilian.

         "That's disgusting. Am I supposed to stay and sleep here while he's across the room staring at me?" I ask in revulsion as I spy the look of satisfaction and approval in his gaze at the mere mention of me staying here.

           "I suppose I can get you your own quarters— come, we have business to attend." He says shortly, gesturing me to move toward the large archway displaying a rounded black door. I don't miss the way he'd much rather get me a different room than to move a bloody carcass out of his own— I meekly nod and move in accordance to what he requests.

         Please him, get the facts, deceive him, leave. It's all in my mind now— even as my pulse skitters about and my fingers shake slightly. I'm scared, and so uncomfortable with the hostile vibe in the room that I force my mouth to stay shut. Whatever sway I'd had over Kilian had vanished the moment I slept with him;As if he'd taken what he wanted and was content with just keeping me as his plaything.

           The fury that races across my features is immediate, but I school them into a timid curious look. Never again, I vow to myself.

Never again would I allow a snake in a decent package fool me into so easily giving my heart.

As he leads me through the dark stalactite littered halls illuminated by torches, I don't miss how his hand never touches the small of my back. He doesn't intimately touch me unless it's absolutely necessary, and his speaking manners aren't as casual as they were before— he'd spoken much more formally on his bed, it was almost as if he were a new person completely. I shiver in eery nerves, feeling skittish around this demon that was so unpredictable. How did he learn to act like that? There had to be someone he stole those casual mannerisms from, and my guess was a half breed left behind.

            Nonetheless, I plaster a small grin onto my face that makes my face feel wrong and glance at Kilian from below my lashes.
    His dark eyes snag onto mine as he begins to grin back.

       "Keep looking at me like that and I might show you an even better time than last night." He says darkly, but I don't find a thrill in it. Only a dark feeling of disgust. Had it been only just last night that I'd felt completely different and had worshipped Kilian in bed? What a fool indeed.

            I bite my lip and feign interest.

      "Tempting, but that business can't wait, can it?" I respond, trying so hard to keep the dryness out of my tone. Yet, my voice talking softly to Kilian felt like nails on a chalkboard to me now.
      He takes no notice as he inclines his head forward and becomes expressionless once again.

        "Yes, we do." He says solemnly. "Now I have to warn you, my aunt and I have some traditions that may seem odd to mortals— not that you are one; if you are to be my wife, you'll need to keep quiet." He says, and I almost have it in me to feel hurt, almost.

         Great, more traditions. I think to myself dryly.

           I merely nod slightly and watch as he leads me a familiar door, one that makes my eyes widen in glee and fingers twitch aimlessly.

         He glances behind me with a knowing smile as he grabs onto the doorknob and gestures forward.

              Still, I'm left utterly breathless with the open possibilities of the next prophecy riddle being unearthed; because this was no ordinary door Kilian was gesturing me through like a small child.

             No, Kilian was holding onto the doorknob of the infamous spirit of the door.

       And I was the true wolf dressed in polished ivory sheepskin being led through the very door that could win the war against him.


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