A Date With Doom

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Read the authors note at the end when you're done !! ❤️

Viola's POV

Any warm fluttering emotion that I was feeling being clutched so close to Kilian faded due to what his portal showed me this time. Instead, a raw bitterness coated my tongue as I watched the scene unfold.

Inky swirls and clouds now revealed a muscular back tensing, naked. A groan fills the air as a woman's delicate hand snakes around the mans neck and into his thick black hair. She pants as her chocolate brown hair fans out over his shoulder, and soft pink lips latch onto his shoulder as their bodies move in sync.
I can't see her face, hair being in the way— nor can I see much of her naked body, silky sheets covering her thighs as she sits on the mans naked lap.
One thing is clear— judging by his tattoos; this was no ordinary man.

This was Kilian Vergio, the very demon who's hands were tightening on my waist as we watched the scene unfold.

I watch as the woman's nails dig into his back, and he growls in lust; in passion. I divert my eyes, disgust rushing up my throat and salty tears coating my eyes.

How foolish. You don't know how recent this is— this could've been centuries before you were even born!
But I can't help the raw jealous pang that fills my chest as I see him gently cradle her brown hair, hands digging into her waist.

Just like how his hands are digging into your waist right now. I shut my eyes tightly. I was hurt, but also aroused.
I wanted to punch the stupid demon and his stupid portals in his throat— but I also wanted what he was clearly doing to her to be done to me.

God, I'm a mess.

The portal deems this to be enough as it starts to close its inky black swirl back into the scene, purple smoke now covering the heated bedroom lovemaking. I gnash my teeth together, an intense urge to tackle Kilian like a football player takes over my senses.

Why do I care? Why do I feel like I'm going to cry? And why on gods green earth am I hungry?

            My cheeks are heated to the touch by the time we appear in the village, cobblestones clicking as we land on our feet. Kilian balances me out, but I step out of his embrace— shame filling me for even feeling this anger towards someone I wasn't even dating.
What am I, twelve ?
The busy streets are alive with action, but Kilian keeps his dark eyes trained on me as I bite my lip.

"Well... that was— something, huh?" I let out a laugh, but it almost sounds pained, which further embarrasses me.
"Anyway, why did you just take me away from Mahtu? She wasn't finished with me." I avert the topic, swallowing a lump down my throat as I rub my hand down my arm in comforting motions.

"Vi..." he trails off, his face completely serious. His signature humorous smirk gone and replaced with a hungry look.

I'm confused.

I'm confused more than I usually am, and that's saying something.

"Yes?" I respond cautiously, turning slightly to face him head on. Why is he looking at me like that? Like he wants to shove me against a wall and take me like deprived lion. Bedroom eyes, damn those bedroom eyes.

"My portals have only shown our memories thus far," he seems to trail off for a second, that rare intensity in his eyes never wavering. It was unnerving, to know how much attention I payed to his little quirks.

I find myself nodding for him to continue, realizing that he seemed a bit unsure of himself at the moment. Not the usual badass demon Kilian always is, garnered in his black leathers and large hands always twitching for the next battle. This time— he seemed lost. Almost as lost as I must have seemed to him that night in his tent when he revealed to me that he had been tasked with getting rid of me before the prophecy could take fruition.

He frowns, glancing at his hands silently.

"Until now." He finishes, looking up at me with the seriousness of a being who's power was unsure at the moment.

The village alley that he had transported us to is getting busier, people in all types of cloaks and garments of emerald and amethyst passing by us swiftly. I put my hand on my grimoire, furrowing my eyebrows in unease.

"What are you saying?" I say to him in a hushed tone, suddenly our words seemed more important than I had originally thought them to be.
He clenches his jaw, pensive and eyes stormy. His eyes brows crease, causing him to look older than his usual playful demeanor.

"I'm saying," he starts to repeat. "That wasn't a memory of mine. It clearly didn't seem like one of yours the way your face burns at the moment—" I curse myself and completion inwardly. How easy was it for me to display emotions when my cheeks easily gave me away.

             "So could that be—" he trails off in question. I narrow my eyes at him, figuring where he was going with this.

              "You think your portals might be showing glimpses of the future?" I say, slightly proud of myself for catching on. I was usually always left in the dark, so this really felt like an accomplishment. Never mind who that was in the vision. If I were to ask his thoughts on it, it might very well embarrass him or me.
          Did she have a similar hair color to me?

             Now my mind seemed to be pulling and picking the glimpse apart, for any proof that the naked woman could have perhaps been someone like me. Especially with the crush I have raging in me for this cunning man— who else could it be? I tap my fingers against the grimoire, shaking my thoughts away. Never mind that, I have things to do.

              Kilian catches on to me moving from the topic, and his grin returns; although not as real as before.

               "Come. We have plans for tonight, involving some very powerful scheming." He mutters that's last part, holding his hand out for me to take on my own.


         With the streets still bustling with movements, and my mind on what had been happening on that bed with Kilian— scheming seemed like the perfect way to refocus my plan.

            My hand finds it's way into his larger palm, his heat immediately engulfing me and his scent floating near; I smirk.

               "As long as you answer all of my questions, lead the way." I grant permission.

                He grunts in acceptance.

        My first question, it seemed would be— did he just leave Claire and the rest of the group in the forest?


As I post this, I'm sitting here holding my newborn three week old fussy baby and watching my almost three year old climb the baby's car seat and sit in it.

I've been gone for five months, four of those months consisted of a painful pregnancy and this almost one month has been in a sleep deprived newborn bubble. I've felt the absence like a knife in the gut sooooooooooooo 😏 lets get this show back on the road and finish this adventure. (Ps- both pregnancies thus far I've gotten intense creative block/writers block)

Missed this!!!

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