Three Kings At War

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Viola's POV

         "Viola," Callence speaks, and the way my name sensually rolls off of his tongue even while he's restraining himself makes me shiver.
       I look in his direction and connect gazes, watching as he clenches and unclenches his fingers, his body deadly still as a predator watching his prey.
   He watches me, wanting to know what my next move is— he wants me to command him. He wants my permission. A thrill finds its way up my spine in spite of the agony I feel, but I force myself to look in the direction of Kilian and Echo.

         "You know," I find myself speaking softly, almost peacefully. "I actually very much enjoyed fucking you, Kilian." I don't have to look up to know that Callence had flinched, and Echo was bristling at this information. I guess she didn't know. Interesting.

              "But," I continue. "Everyone's first time is a bit mediocre, isn't it? Now, I find myself excited for how I'll make blizzards appear for Callence's cock." I finish crudely, aware of Kilian's focused gaze; and how he'd clenched his fists. Aware of Callence's growl of approval.

           This wasn't about using Callence to make him jealous— and if anything, I was already sorry to have brought his name in a conversation to my newfound enemy in this context. Even if it was true.

            This was about what I knew every man's weakness was— demon or no.

             Ego was a hell of a thing, and right now— I was trampling on his, in front of an audience.
      This was about making Kilian feel something, and then ripping his very soul out from his dark and frigid body. This wouldn't be the end of me— it would be the beginning.

         This would be the origin of my story. Because after today, I was done being the butt of everyone's joke. After today, I'd be participating in the war.

    "War and destruction will be abrupt when-
        Ice and flame paired one in the same.
       Cold blooded killer, might be ruin- might fulfill her.

        Darkness to the light, Illuminates sight.
Grave and stone, down to the bone-
Mayhap and wonder, those who go under.
Reluctant paths, seize the maps.
Save the war, with the spirit of the door.
Only those who go in will find their true kin-
Dark and light, those who must fight.
Join the war, with the element- Amor."

I repeat the prophecy in my head, having memorized each line.
The damn thing had warned me of betrayal that had been with me since the beginning— I'd just been blind to it.
I'd hoped it would be for Claire, I realize bitterly. I didn't want her to go through this pain, but everyone has a survival instinct; and unfortunately, mine was cowardice.

And yet, I find myself pushing to stand— despite the cowardice. Despite everything— I find myself smiling softly, lifting my arms slightly to gesture around the clearing while staring Kilian in his cold brutal eyes.
The first snowflake lands on my porcelain skin, dissolving quickly to the heat thrumming through my blood. I was filled icy fury— and I didn't have to look at myself to know shimmering scales were beginning to cover the light plump skin on my thighs.

"Beautiful." Kilian murmurs intently to himself, and I find myself fighting the urge to flinch.
Beautiful, and he wanted it for himself. He'd always wanted my power for himself, didn't he?

Without looking toward Callence, I open my lips and let loose my first command.

"You deal with her. He's mine." I purr quietly, never looking away from Kilian; or the breathtaking grin that splits onto his face, sharp jawline angling as he raises an eyebrow.

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