Murderous eyes

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"The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes. "
—Marcel Proust

Viola's POV

             "Viola Beaumont." The nasty voice sounded thought the waters as I sank further and further, almost at the bottom of the river.

         Terrified wasn't the word for what I was feeling at this moment— dread. Dread is what filled my essence of a soul, dread for what was to come. Not even my ice could save me now— if I froze the river I'd be freezing myself. I willed myself to think, think of what dad would do. What would he have me do in this situation?

          A weapon. He called my powers a weapon, if I understood how to trust them.

           I had to think of something before I reached the bottom of the river— before the Raksha took an eyeball from me, and would most likely kill me afterwards. Kilian hadn't mentioned what it does to those that it takes eyes from— but I didn't want to stick around to find out.

I struggle in the Raksha's slimy grip, kicking and flailing around like a fish caught in a hook. I feel my ice tingle in my veins as if reminding me that I wasn't completely helpless; I fashion myself some ice talons. The idea is quick in my mind, and I know what I have to do.

I'd make myself into a Raksha. Only then would the fight be fair. This creature seemed ancient, miserable and alone. I would will my ice to give me scales, talons, flippers— and hopefully the cleverness that would help me outwit the monster.

"Viola." It hissed. "I have a message from your daddy dearest." The Raksha says, in an almost teasing manner. I find myself unable to move, my struggling halts as I look down at the Raksha dragging me.

It had met my father? Had he taken an eyeball? Horror fills me as the Raksha grins it's pointy teeth up at me, the green human eye looking a bit too familiar now.

I scream, river water rushing into my mouth as bubbles tear out of me. I thrash in the Raksha's grip, the last bit of sanity I'd had left my body at this instant.
I was supposed to stay calm in moments like these, but instead I'd found myself doing the one thing my father warned me against.

Losing control of myself.

My father, my dad had gotten one of his eyeballs taken from this creature— all for this stupid prophecy. Was he even still alive? What had the Raksha done to him? To his body? Would I just find his body rotting and decomposing at the bottom of the river? Disgust and malice filled me as my chest started to burn without air.

I reach down into the Raksha's grip, sinking my ice talons into its own hand. Dark inky liquid bursts from the wound as it shrieks, sound coming from every direction. It's eyes widen in murderous rage as I kick out my legs, it's grip loosening.

As if I'd ever believe a demon.

I try to convince my last shred of consciousness that the Raksha was lying— my dad had to be in the underworld. I hadn't come all of this way for nothing— I was going to make it out of this icy hell, Raksha be damned.

"Fear and hurt," it hisses. "I smell fear and hurt all over you, maiden of ice." It taunts, ancient voice coming from all directions as I try to swim back up. I look down to find the Raksha gone— lurking somewhere in the cloudy waters. I feel goosebumps arise on my flesh as I try to swim faster, panic kicking in.

I hear a dangerously low laugh.

"He thought he could out swim me too." It's octaves were low, but his voice vibrates through my body. Him and the water are one— this is his hunting space and I'm prey. I start to choke on water, I reach for the light, knowing that the ice opening would be there. My freedom. I'm almost there— just a bit longer.

            "Let's make a deal, my lovely ice queen." It's voice squelches in delight as dirty water starts to slide down my tightening throat.

     Help, I need help. I'm terrified.

I feel the tattoo that links me to Kilian heat up, in an almost comforting manner.

I see scaly movement to my left as my heart stutters.

"Now." It growls out. I look just in time to see its jaws opening wide for me— dinner.
Sharp teeth glistening in the deep waters latch onto my arm as I feel a sharp pain. I scream, body giving out and the fight dying in me. I float limply as the savage creature sinks it's teeth into my flesh, red substance leaking out of me and twirling in the water like water coloring.

Shock is imminent as I know what's happening to me.

Useless. I'm useless.
All of this big talk to Kilian and I couldn't even take down one demon. How would I be able to take on the entire underworld? I was a joke. All of me, just a laughable teenage girl ready to take on an army for a father that had probably died at the hands of this sea creature.

I feel fury lick up my spine and into my heart as I feel my senses kicking back up, the shock of the initial impact dying down.

        It's wild murderous eyes staring up at me as it chomps down harder onto my arm, pain spreading throughout my shoulder and neck. That familiar green eyeball staring up at me as I snarl, using the last strength that I have to strike back.

         I let my ice talons shrink away as I quickly stretch my right hand in the direction of the demon. It eyes me suspiciously as I let out my last breath, as a last fuck you if I were able to talk.

            I use the last of my willpower, and dig my fingers into its green eyeball socket; taking back what was ours.

           A thunderous roar as it releases me is all I hear as I rip out its eyeball.

             My fathers eyeball.

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