A Plea From Silent Lips

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Trigger warning: chapter is somewhat gory and violent.

Viola's POV

Toiling on the ground in silence as my defiance bubbles inside of me, mapping what my next actions would be—
Never in a million years would I have figured them to be ripping out a random demon's esophagus and shoving it into another demons fanged mouth. My body was on autopilot, moving so quickly with rage that I could barely form a coherent plan into my mind as things went along; numb with adrenaline, I could barely feel their hits coming. I hadn't even realized when my body leapt off of the ground.

The hardest hit I took was the brunt of someone's sword pummel jamming into my eye socket— shattering whatever frost formed inside, until my very own eyeball was leaking blood, having my own power against me.

"Oh, fuck you." I grin, wiping at my wet cheekbone. Yet, the fear that filled the beautiful blonde haired, black horned demon was enough to kickstart my bloodlust. Her look of instant regret made it so worth it for me when I formed my ice tipped fingers, shoving them into her skull.

Even as the masses of the coven closed in on me, I had already resigned to taking as many as I could down with me; my death being the end game or not.

The hot blood dripping down my chin and onto the floor was echoing in my mind, the otherwise complete silence encompassing my focus. I couldn't hear their labored breaths, their blades slicing the air— maybe a couple blades nicking me before I could even realize I was bleeding. Their grunts of pain when I'd get a killing blow— it was all silence to me. Was this the rush people got during war? Although, these few dozens of creatures were nothing compared to hours of bloodshed on a battlefield, it still felt like glory.

         Had it passed seconds or minutes?
      My focus was wholly on the game I was playing in my mind— and I was set on making it to the final boss; and maybe shoving a shard up her ass.

        But even as the revenge plan formed in my brain amongst the bloodshed, the sword whispered to me. Hummed my name like a vibrato that was incessant. Among the shouts and splatters of blood— slowly all that became of my own ear drums were the vibrations emitted from the sword.

              I knew I had to change the path of my course— revenge would have to wait, because in my last breaths, I'd have to make sure that the blade didn't stay with Kilian. I was thinking too big— thinking I could just eliminate the threat myself when this war had been spanning for generations. I needed to think smaller, more practical; taking down two demon crime bosses probably wasn't gonna happen on todays itinerary, but stealing the sword that might be used to kill my sister and her unborn baby? That was doable. Even for my rage infused haze.

          Still, a caution sign arises in my mind as I realize that I haven't spotted mother recluse or Kilian since the start of the slaughter. I dodge a pink skinned demons talons, I feel something clasp onto my neck and jerk back, causing me to fall back onto the ground.

         It feels like my five minutes of glory were swept from under my feet in a span of seconds, regret coating my tongue for the sole fact that I hadn't killed all of them.
      The cold metal collar clasped around my throat makes me pause as two chained bracelets clasp onto my wrists, recognition flaring in my mind.

         These are the chains they'd used on Kilian's mother. How sick.
   Maybe not the exact ones— no, I'm willing to bet that his mother was still locked up. I'm beginning to think everything Kilian ever told me was a lie— along with the sob story of his mother being his fathers prisoner.

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