You Again

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Viola's POV

              By the time I'm halfway to the second floor my back is covered in sweat and my arms are shaking. I keep chanting 'I can do this' in my mind as it takes a monstrous amount of effort to rip my ice out of the wall and shove it higher than before.

           Wow, I'm heavier than I thought.

          I blow a hair out of my eye, twitching in irritation as sweat drips down my hairline. I'm too focused to even groan in disgust.
       Scaling the wall was the only thing holding me from my father, and I'd be damned if my ass was the only thing stopping me.

          The night is never ending, and my arms are never stopping as I finally reach the second story window, too high of a drop that even I'd splat if I fell from this distance. I pant as I glance down, my heart thundering from a slight fear of heights.

           "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck—" I mumble quickly as a soothing mechanism as I rip my arm out of the stone— I lose my footing and my body swings to the side. The air whooshes out of me as I look death in the face.

        But then— a hand.

       A large rough hand comes shooting out from the second floor window, and grabs onto mine. I huff in fear as I let out a sound of intense fright. After I'm done this little journey of mine, I'm never leaving my house again. Not even for soccer.
       A face peers out from the window, dark ash blonde hair and luminescent blue eyes flecked with gold.

          Callence. The injured warlock from the war camp and from Mahtu's store. The half breed.

         He looks focused as he hauls me up in one swift motion and pulls my legs into the window. He grabs onto my waist, fingers digging into my and quickly pulls me in.
Well that's an easier way to do it.

      I'm panting as he finishes saving my ass, chest to chest. I tip my head to the side and give him a questioning glance.

          "You again." I say softly.

         "Me again." He grins a wolffish grin, his teeth bright. My heart skips a beat, but I ignore it.

             I clear my throat and step away from him, scanning the area I was in now.
          Darkness lined the sailings and floors, small miniature stalagmites and stalactites littered around like ornaments here and there. No one was in sight, but a large oak door at the end of the hall was pulsing and thrumming with light that I was willing to bet was a whole lot of unleashed power.

           "Not that one yet." He says as he puts a finger underneath my chin and gently taps it in another direction.
        I'm now looking at a dark hallway that leads to a significantly smaller chestnut colored door. I frown at him as I glance back at the powerful thrumming oak door.

          "What's behind that one?" I ask, curiosity too strong within me to keep shut. He chuckles softly.

         "You aren't at that part of the prophecy yet." He clicks his tongue as he watches me under dark eyelashes.

          "The spirit of the door." I breathe at him, realization dawning as I take in the door.

     It whispers sensational things, caressing my ears and hoping for me to open the door.

         "Not yet." Callence says, this time a bit more firm. I whirl my eyes back to his as I narrow them.

"What are you doing here anyway?" I ask at him in a tone that tells him I don't trust him.
"Thanks by the way.. for that." I nod my head toward the window and then narrow my eyes at him again. He smiles softly, his canines showing from under his pink lips.

"You beautiful, mistrustful, fickle creature," His eyes gleam in wicked delight as he eyes me.
"You called to me." He finishes. I furrow my eyebrows up at him as I stare.

"But I didn't." I state firmly. Not once in my bloody life did I ever call out his name.

"You did, the minute you got frustrated on the stairwell you called for me. By the time I got here you were of course hanging off of the side of the castle like a madman— but I was able to break the wards to the stairwell enchantment and come up just in time." He breathes.
"Smart of you to take the outside route." He compliments as gold my arms across my chest, still confused.

           "I still don't get how I called to you. I'm stumped." I say lowly, eyes staring into his.
         "And the last time I saw you— you said you thought I followed something— you're just the most confusing man—" I stutter a bit to a stop, trying to piece it all together. He steadies me with his hands, biting his lip in concentration as I take a deep breath to still my frost from spiraling out of control. My hands are cracked with icy mist already starting to leak out. I glance outside and notice that it's started to snow, and I swallow hard.

           "It always does that," I start to say softly. "My ice always frazzles around you... like I don't hold a rein on it when you're around. It's chaotic." I finish as he blinks down at me in surprise.

         "Well that's," he pauses as he assesses what he should and shouldn't tell me, I realize.

          "Just tell me." I insist, needing to know what he was trying to tell me.

           "I can't. Not yet." He sighs, the golden in his eyes intensifies as he look at me once again.
           "I have to go now— if I'm seen in this castle, that will trigger an immediate war. I came... for you." He finishes tightly.
         "I'll come back for you when you are done." He says as I tilt my head up at him again. My heart strains as I see him start to vanish slowly.

             "Wait." I say, swallowing nervously. His company had actually felt nice, in contrast to facing this alone.

           "You've got this." His deep voice rings out as his tongue darts out to lick his lips. He eyes me like a lion, eyes never leaving mine.

         "Just remember what Waren said to you. Call for me again when you need me... or want me." He says, his hands now just a whisper as he fully vanishes. My heart drops.

     Waren. Cytokinesis queen. Cyron. The ice grimoire dimension.

     I pale at the thought of that not being some fever dream.

     What the hell was this supposed to mean?
    What did Waren tell me?

        And why, for fucks sake, was I blushing?

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