Old Friends

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"To be successful you need friends and to be very successful you need enemies."
                                     —Sidney Sheldon

Viola's POV

"Wait, so she started a fight with you guys and just ran off when shit got too serious?" Valdus asks as we all continue our walk through the forest, ears open for any sign of enemies.

"Mhm." I respond distractedly, as I thumb through the thick pages of the grimoire— the very blank pages might I add. What was Varla playing at, sending me an empty book?

          "That sounds suspicious. Nobody just runs after starting a fight." Valdus continues, rubbing at his bald chin. He pinches two separate hairs dangling from his jawline and grins.

         "You like my beard?" He winks as I wrinkle my nose up in dismay.

        "I didn't think anyone more annoying than Kilian could exist." I sigh as I speed up my walking, Merlin snorting in the background.

          "Think again, My icicle." Kilian takes the grimoire from my grasp and tucks it underneath his arm with a smirk.
           "You should be thankful to have someone like me around." He winks as I glance down at the book again.

             "Last time I checked— this isn't high school and you aren't a cute boy trying to hold my books for me." I reach out to grab my grimoire again, but he moves it out of my grasp and holds it a good foot over my head. He shakes his head at me as I glare, surprisingly feeling heated at the thought of someone else holding onto my gift.

            "Don't let this book take over you. You need to pay attention to your surroundings. There are all types of creatures roaming around the graveyard for dinner— not just baby trolls." He teases as I sigh in frustration. Had I been too distracted to even notice my surroundings? Was he doing me a favor or was he just trying to get the book to himself?

     "Easy there Gollum, you'll be fine without your precious." Valdus snickers as Atticus furrows his eyebrows in confusion.

           "Who is Gollum?" He asks, in his mighty king form— faltering as he glances at Claire. She shakes her head with a smile and pats his shoulder.

          "We have much to discuss about mortal world movies, my love." Her tone drops a few octaves as they both stare lovingly at each other— Valdus makes a fake puking sound, disrupting their moment.

          "Real mature." I mutter, eyeing our surroundings. "But you're going to have to give me my grimoire. Varla gave clear instructions on not to trust anyone with it, my love." I blink up at Kilian. He opens his mouth to object, but I just send a frost wave to crystallize his vocal chords. His eyes widen in pain and I take the opportunity to snatch my book back.

Everyone watches in shock as I smile at Kilian, winking at him slyly.

He coughs as his vocal chords start to thaw, glaring my way.

"You'll get over it my little bloodsucker." I coo at him as I turn and continue to walk the way to the graveyard.

"It's okay— tough love is the way to my heart. And it's half a little bloodsucker." He jogs to catch up to me as I grin at him.

"I know." I say as his fingers graze mine, walking in synchronicity.

         "I can feel so much sexual tension there." Merlin whispers loudly to Valdus, and I quickly snatch my hand away. Kilian chuckles, but I don't find it quite so amusing— Varla's sharp warning still burned into my mind. I couldn't trust demons, and the less trusting I was— the less likely I'd be betrayed.

              After about fifteen of crunching our way through the snow, we come across a frozen river. I bite my lip as I realize the full effect that my ice taking over had— I'm willing to bet the entire forest and graveyard were frozen over. This was a disaster— and for the first time in a long time, I felt thickening fear thrum its way into my heart and mind. Dad was right.

             My ice is poison, and I'd been taught ways of prevention— but those methods were failing and my dad was nowhere to be found. I'm scared and up against myself.

            "We should start crossing the river— it's frozen enough to walk on. The graveyard is just across the river, so I'd say you're pretty close to finding your dad." Kilian looks my way, red eyes smoldering with intense heat. I nod and clutch onto the book that I had yet to figure out.

           "Be careful everyone— sometimes my ice fails and there are parts which aren't frozen. Gaps of power you could say. My dad was trying to teach me how to completely freeze it solid but..." I trail off as they all nod in understanding. He disappeared before I could master it.

           "It's okay if my foot goes through the ice— I haven't showered in ages." Valdus throws it out there as Merlin wrinkles his nose in disgust.

           "And this entire time I thought a skunk was following us. Don't stand so close to me you stink bomb." Merlin punches his nose as we all chuckle at his dramatics.

          Claire tightens her cloak around herself and glances at Atticus in— worry?

          "Will I be able to—?" She asks, biting her lip as she waits for confirmation.

           "As long as you control your heat– make sure it doesn't radiate past your clothes. It can be a hard thing to ask, I can carry you—" king Atticus starts but Claire quickly shakes her head.

         "No no it's okay— we don't know if that much weight is safe. I'll try my best to control myself." She gives everyone a reassuring grin, but I can see the worry behind her eyes.

         Worry that her powers would fail her just as mine is fated to fail me.

            I can't say that I blame her for being afraid— we don't know what lurks beneath the ice, but to my understanding, the river is the only thing between me getting closer to my dad.

                "You can do it." I give her an encouraging smile as she grins back.

                "Everyone— spread out in pairs." Kilian starts as he looks at me.
"Let's go." He holds his hand out to me, watching me underneath thick black eyelashes.

           I hesitate.

           Then, I take his hand.


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