Hail For The New King |18+

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Viola's POV

             The scent of lavender petals and strawberry cream wraps my body in waves as I toss and turn the entire night, not an ounce of sleep welcoming me.
    After all, sleeping naked wasn't my thing— but I couldn't find myself pulling on that dirt caked dress nor the towel bath robe from the bathroom that made my teeth grit in discomfort.

          Laying there in all of my nakedness just honestly flipped a switch in my mind, and all I could think about was him.
    It's like my core had a mind of its own, and no amount of squeezing my legs together and squeezing my eyes shut could ease my arousal. Every turn in the blankets had my nipples brushing ever so gently against the comforter, and me balling my fists in irritation.

          This was the wrong night to be turned on— my body had the absolute worst timing in the entire world.
My freshly washed hair was usually enough to lull me to sleep, but tonight it seemed to just be adding to the effect. It was at the perfect length to be wrapped around his fist, pulling at it powerfully, jerking my head back as he—

I groan in aggravation.

"Enough already." I sigh as I glance at the clock next to the bed reading four AM. I hadn't expected anybody to hear me, but the voice that replies is enough to send my toes curling from all the fantasies my mind had played within the span of a couple hours.

"I haven't done anything yet." His deep voice rings out, sultry and enough to have my nipples hardening and breasts heavy with need. I snap my head forward the window where a now bloody Kilian was standing, curtains fluttering with the winds as I scramble to cover up anything showing, even my shoulders.

           "Kilian!" I breathe out, butterflies swarming in my chest as I take in his roughed appearance. He grins, flashing his fangs at me as I take in the blood on his arms and abdomen.
"You're injured." I say as I wrap the blankets around me and rush toward him, stumbling over my own feet a couple times in a hurry.

"Little scratches." He replies, tugging off his suit jacket as I make it to him, assessing the damage done. His shirt is torn into and I find myself pushing away any second thoughts as I tuck the blanket securely and begin to unbutton his dress shirt. He grins down at me as he holds onto my hips.

"Always so stubborn and hardheaded, needing to find out for yourself." He squeezes my hips as I pay him no mind, pushing his shirt open.
      Scratches litter his abdomen but just as he said— they aren't deep or painful. I lean into his open legs as peer over his shoulder to see if there is any back damage but find none.
  I breathe a sigh of relief that fans over his neck and sense him go still, not daring to move.

           I furrow my eyebrows and ready myself to ask when I feel it— or more so him.
       He twitches gently against my leg as I feel heat pool in between my legs at the thoughts that had been plaguing me all night.

        I wanted this. So much was going on, to even think about giving into our needs at a night like this— it would be so selfish.

         I lean a little back and glance into Kilian's hooded eyes, heavy with need that bites into me as I realize that I'm looking at him in the exact same way. I swallow slowly as I run my hands slowly down his chest, and then his stomach, and then— I pause at his pants as my tongue darts out to lick my bottom lip slowly.
    I feel him twitch again against me, and it takes everything in me not to groan with need.

               "This.... This would be a selfish thing to do at a time like this." I whisper slowly to him, as I look at him from underneath my lashes, giving him doe eyes. His grin turns into a pained one as he beholds the sight of me, and what could be; and then he speaks up.

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