Who Can You Trust

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               "There are a lot of demons in my head and I am trying not to let them in, but I can not fight them without you. "
                              —Lily Rosemary

Viola's POV

His strong hand wraps around my awaiting arm, and he lifts me to stand on my feet; chests slightly bumping into each other.

           "Do you realize how quickly that could've escalated?" I whisper to him, eyes finding his in relief.
         "I mean— sometimes I threaten out of anger but I didn't actually mean kill her." I say lightly in an almost joking manner.

          "Oh really Ms.I can make snow appear in place of a tantrum?" He hums as he pulls me closer, large hands now resting on my waist.
        "I think— maybe we should've killed her. She's going to be a pain in the ass later." He gives me a lopsided smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes.

           "Makes it all the more fun." I say, touching his nose to mine, our quick and cold breaths mingling as we realize what's about to happen; what we want to happen.

              "Hey guys! Did I miss all the action or am I just in time with my popcorn?" I hear a male voice as I spring away from Kilian. I see him frown slightly— but I'm too distracted by who's here to even say anything to ease him.
          Standing there in all their glory— Atticus, Claire, Merlin and Valdus, faces flushed and relieved smiles at finding us. I grin as soon as my eyes reach Claire's, but that smile quickly vanishes as I actually watch Valdus chomp down on some popcorn.

         "Oh— you were serious." I say in surprise as Claire smiles.

         "Oh my young and beautiful sister— that man is always serious. Don't trust him though, he betrayed me like last week." She says as she walks towards me. Valdus starts to choke on a kernel of popcorn at what Claire has said, and I wonder if there's any truth to it. 

         "Did you really think that we'd leave you to rescue our father on your own? We've got your back Incase anything is to happen." Claire finishes, finally reaching me and clasping hands with mine. Her red cloak flutters in the wind along with her blonde locks of hair, a bright smile lighting up her face. For a second— my heart feels like it might burst in affection— but I just mask my emotion with a smile.

           "Also," King Atticus steps forward, scratching his neck in awkwardness.
          "Varla wanted me to give you this before you left the camp." He says, pulling out an old leather bound grimoire. It's pages look yellow of old age, and a large crystal blue snowflake design is right in the middle of the cover. Immediately my heart starts to race with excitement as I unclasp hands gently with Claire— almost too anxious to get my hands on the grimoire.

           "Child—" Merlin opens his mouth warily before I can grab the book. I hesitate at his expression.
       "she said to warn you. Creatures in the olden days have sought out the magic from that specific book and killed for it. You can use it for good— or for very bad deeds. It is your decision on who you decide to be amongst the prophecy." He says, swallowing slowly as my hands wrap around the book.

             "Don't worry Merlin, I've got no malice in my heart. None with the intention of killing, anyways." I reassure him as I grab hold of my new gift, the grimoire. Immediately I feel the power surge that is the ancient book— digging deep to the darkest corners of my mind and heart.

           "That's what Ignicious also said." He mutters, but I'm too entranced with the grimoire to even realize what he's said.

          "What was that?" I ask, distractedly. He sighs.

          "Nothing." He mutters, averting his eyes from my gaze. Valdus clears his throat and clasps his hands.

        "So," he starts enthusiastically. "When were you going to tell us you had ice powers?" He grins excitedly as everyone around him groans. All at once they say things to him.

       "I told you not to bug her!" Claire exclaims.

       "You can never keep that trap of yours shut." Merlin tells him grimly.

          "Did you have to bring that up right now?" Atticus questions, hands rubbing his temples.

         "This is why you have no friends." Kilian says, raising an eyebrow at the poor man.

          For some reason, this tickles my funny bone.

           My giggling starts slow at first, but then works it's way into loud laughter. Next thing I know, I'm trying to gasp for breath as I start to hiccup.
             Everyone is quiet at this, even the frowning Valdus holding the empty bag of popcorn.

           "Are you okay, Vi? You aren't angry at us for that question are you?" Claire questions, worry in her eyes.

          "Yeah.. only psychos laugh when they're angry." Valdus murmurs one the background.

         "Shut up!" They all exclaim at once, causing me to bite my lip before I could childishly lose it again.

"No, no I'm not angry at all. It's just—" I say, biting into my lower lip as my eyes flicker around at everyone standing around me in their cloaks.
"It's just I've never really met anyone like you guys. It's refreshing. I've been forced to keep this secret my whole life— and now I finally don't have to. Nobody is shunning me like father said they would." I sigh, closing my eyes for a couple seconds to regain my emotions.

"Viola," Claire wraps me into a hug.
"Why would we shun you? We are just like you. This is a dimension for people just like us! Kind of like that movie halloweentown— just much more bloody." She reassures me, and I'm stuck biting my lip to control my laughter once again. My eyes go watery as she pulls away from me.

"Look what I can do." She says, eyes alight with glee. She holds out her palms as everyone around us watches.

Fire envelopes her palms, crackling blue flames rising up from nothing but her hands.

"I'm a Phoenix." She says closing her palms, eyes searching mine in a warm manner.

"If you can't trust someone like me; your very own sister by blood— then who can you trust?"

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