Under The River

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"You drown not by falling into a river, but by staying submerged in it."
                                                —Paulo Coelho

Viola's POV

The ice is firm beneath our feet, my hand cold encased in Kilian's.

The thin snow above the ice crunches at our feet and Kilian winces, no doubt imagining what awaits us underneath the river.

"What's wrong, is the big bad demon prince afraid of some fish?" I taunt, not admitting that I was just as nervous as he. He grins down at me, humor alight in his dark wicked eyes.

"Not when I have you to save me." He winks as we continue our way across the river, slowly. In a distance I can hear Merlin and Valdus arguing with each other.

"Why in the world did I get paired with you." Merlin grumbles as Valdus let's out an airy laugh.

"Because we all know you want my—"Valdus starts, but across the river Claire interrupts them.

"Keep it PG everyone! My little sis is here." She scolds as Valdus is quick with a response.

"We all know she wants—" he starts, but I find myself raising my voice also, interrupting him for the second time.

"Nothing. I want nothing." Cold air huffs out of my mouth in a cloud, as Kilian raises an eyebrow at me.

"Kilian's new name is nothi—" Valdus starts to shout, but Merlin slaps the back of his head.

"Give it a rest you buffoon. Focus on where you're stepping because if I fall into some cold water, I'm drowning you." Merlin says heated as I snicker to myself.

We make it halfway across the river, biting our lips and holding our breath in anticipation.

"So," I say, trying to distract us all from the possibilities. "What does losing your virginity feel like?" I say, asking the first thing that comes to mind. My eyes widen as I realize what I've said, Valdus laughing in a distance. Claire looks embarrassed as Atticus let's a small smile grace his features, hiding it from Claire's horror.

"What I meant to say was—" I rack my mind for a different question, but my mind blanks. "Was.." I trail off, noticing how Kilian was looking at me. His intense eyes scan my face, a pensive look on his own.

"Innocent in every way, huh." He mutters to me, heat flashing in those sparkling gems that are his eyes.

"It hurts and then it feels good." Valdus calls out again, causing everyone to sigh.

"Shut up Valdus." Claire looks annoyed as Atticus laughs.

"It depends on who you choose your lover to be. Some are reckless, some are gentle. Some are both— but they understand when the time is right." Claire answers, looking away bashfully. My cheeks heat up, having not expected her to even answer that shitshow of an icebreaker. Kilian smirks to himself as I brace myself for his answer.

I wasn't foolish enough to believe that he was a virgin— not with those looks. Demonic sex— was it any good? Would it feel good to give your body to someone who wanted your soul? Who was no good, but wicked in so many ways; the trembling pleasure of it all. I'd glimpsed that heat back in his tent— and had barely been able to contain myself before I lost all common sense.

It had felt wild. Like an uncontrollable rage that swallowed your body, urging you to plead and beg for that release. For the forbidden pleasure.

Heat blooms across my cheeks as I halt my thoughts, locking eyes with Kilian. That torturous smirk is still on his face as I find it hard to look away, slowing my steps down. His sharp fangs rake over his lip as he steps closer to me, and leans down to my ear slightly.

"Why don't you find out, Viola." He says, his smooth voice almost a purr. A sensuous rattle in my mind as I resist the powerful shiver that makes its way up my spine and shoulders.

"Guys—" Claire shouts. We immediately stop what we're doing, all of us on alert as Claire stares at the ice with wide, terrified eyes.
"What In Tartarus's name is that?!" Her voice is shrill with fear as I feel the terror creep up on me.

"Claire.." I whisper, scared of what she's seeing.

Scared of whatever is lurking underneath us.

"I don't see anything." Merlin says, looking intensely at the ice.

"It's swimming downward— why is it.." Claire stares in focus, eyebrows creasing as Atticus takes a powerful stance next to her, ready for whatever.

We are all tense, waiting for her to tell us what she saw.

"Why is it—" she's cut off as her head whips up towards me.

"RUN!" Her scream is shrill as my heart drops, willing my shaking legs to move. Kilian pulls at me, but not soon enough for me not to feel it.


A powerful wave against the ice underneath my feet. I fall to my knees with no balance as I'm forced to look into the dark murky river water underneath the ice.

"I don't see—" and then, there it is.

        A pale face of death— razor sharp teeth almost taunting as it charges to slam itself against the ice. It's scales shining like armor, sharp talons gaining momentum against the still waters. One eye Golden like a wolfs— and the other a human green. I feel sick.

        It swims fast— too fast.


        I hear my scream as it throws itself underneath me, cracking the ice.

         "Viola." Kilian growls, hauling me up and forcing me to run.
        "Go!" He shouts at everyone.

        "What is that thing!" Valdus shouts as it follows us— follows me.

"A Raksha— demonic sea creatures that drags its prey to the bottom of the river and steals an eyeball. They were rumored to be cursed— blind." Kilian says, allowing his eyes to turn his demonic black.

"Friends of your father?" I pant as we run, Kilian not answering me was answer enough.

         We're almost there, almost to the edge of the river.

       "Kilian I—" I start, voice shaking in fear.


      The ice underneath me shatters, catching me by surprise.

        The icy water coils around me as my hand slips out of Kilian's, my body slamming beneath the surface. A scaly hand wraps itself around my ankle, and I let out a a scream that just turns into bubbles.

              Murky water is all I see as I'm dragged into the depths of the deathly cold river.


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