Will Be Abrupt When

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Viola's POV

               "Take me there," I whisper, shock finally wearing off of me. Kilian's eyes stay trained on me as if he knew what I was going to say next.
           "Take me to your war camp."

          Atticus begins shaking his head quickly as my mother looks worried.
        "The stuff down there... it's getting worse and worse everyday. We keep getting attacks from Mother Recluse and her camp of demons I—" he starts as Kilian's eyes widen suddenly.

             "Wait—" Kilian says walking towards us. "You say mother Recluse is involved in this war?" He grumbles out, eyes being a gateway to his fury.

"Well—" Atticus pauses, rubbing his stubble. "We've always gotten small attacks and threats of war, but it's gotten worse. Ever since I've killed Celmira, I don't know, maybe they had an alliance? That's the only reason that I can think of. She's been killing my people, demanding war. " King Atticus says, looking down as Claire rubs his hand soothingly. As if to comfort the all mighty vampire king.

"But," Merlin sputters our, disbelief pouring into his eyes. "You hadn't told me she was killing, I didn't think it had gotten this bad!" He exclaims as Valdus slumps in a chair, exhaustion evident.

"There hasn't been war in all of the realms in Centuries." Valdus whispers, pulling a hand down his face. He glances at Merlin lovingly for a minute. We all sit in silence for a moment before I speak up.

"We can beat her. I don't know who she is— or what she is, but we can. We just need a plan. Take me to the war camp, I need to ask around about my father."I say, standing up from my seat. My eyes never waver from King Atticus's, force in my tone.

"You think—" my mother starts, eyes watering at the thought of where my father is. "You think he would've tried asking around about the prophecy? To stop it?" Her voice stops, lips pressing together tightly to hold back whatever emotion she was feeling. She looks down as we avert our eyes, sensing a moment of weakness.

"I'm sure of it." I say. "What better place to ask about the prophecy, to learn more about the war forming than a war camp itself?" I say, ideas spilling into my mind. I had to find him, it was nice getting to know my family, but my dad was out there somewhere. We don't even know if he's in danger. We don't even know if he made it safely to Holdrex— alive.

"Idiot." I mutter, voice getting thick. I can't stop it, the emotional dread that pours out of my heart like a broken faucet. I can't imagine how my mother felt all of these years without my father, but I know how I feel. Suppressing my emotions wasn't the answer to things, but neither was having a breakdown in front of six people that I've just met.

           From the corner of my eye I see kilian discreetly move his arm near me. He takes my hand into his in a comforting gesture, rubbing his thumb in soothing circular motions. I take a slow deep breath, getting calmed by Kilian.

            Being calmed down by a demon wasn't on my agenda for the day— hell, not even my year, but here we are. And it's actually working. I'm actually being calmed down. My heart rate starts to slow down as the tears that were welling up in my eyes slowly dissolve. I take another breath as Kilian speaks up.

             "You heard the woman, take us to your camps." He says gruffly, his deep voice bouncing off of the kitchen walls.

       Atticus glances at Claire in hesitance. To this, she pats his arm and hops off of the stool.

         "Let me go grab my phone." She grins, turning around and running off like a giddy ten year old. Atticus groans, putting his head in his hands.

            "You guys don't understand how dangerous it is to be there. Mother Recluse—" he mumbles as Kilian interjects.

          "You let me deal with her if she shows her face." Kilian thunders out. Still rubbing soothing patterns on my hand, he tugs my arm gently; signaling me to follow him out of the kitchen. I follow him out of the kitchen, curious as to why he's pulling me away from everyone.

"I know you." He whispers in a hushed voice once we're out of ears length.

"Why are you whispering?" I ask as he continues on.

"I've just met you but, I know you. I can't explain it—" he mutter out as I furrow my eyebrows.

"What on God's green earth are you talking about?" I ask, smiling nervously as he reaches into his pocket quickly and pulls out a large coin. He lays it flat on my palm. On it are three blue jays, all facing each other; connecting beaks in harmony. The gold coin is a bit rusty, but I don't cringe away from it.

"I know if Mother Recluse shows, you'll try to fight. If that does happen— you need to run. Run as fast as you can." He starts saying, rambling more like it. I've never seen him in this matter. He's usually calm and collected, a cold demon. But right now, he's acting secretive, and I won't lie. I'm scared.

"You know I won't." I shake my head quickly, trying to interrupt what he was saying.

"You need to. I can't explain it— I can't focus with you around. And I— my demon form will show—" he starts to mutter, his eyes hardening as I glare.
"That coin, it'll help me find you at any time or place. The tattoo only works as a link, not a compass." He says in determination. I scoff.

"I can't believe you right now," I say in anger. "Im not some child that—" I get interrupted by him again.

           "You need to listen to me." he tries to tell me once again.

            "No, you listen to me! I—" I start to rant, but he cuts me off with his booming voice.

"You will run. Do you understand me?" He thunders out, eyes turning that glowing red shade that I liked so much. But not right now. In this moment— I hated that blood red color. I flinch back at his loud tone, snatching my hand out of his. He closes his eyes, trying to rein it all back in. Trying to calm his demon side down, but the damage is already done.

With my lips frowning and my teeth clamped down on my tongue, I give him one last icy glare.

"Fuck off." I bite out, and quickly turn to walk away from him. Away from the people in the kitchen who probably heard him yell at me.

Away from my embarrassment and anger, hoping that the cool breeze from outside will calm me like it usually does.

It doesn't.

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