Trapped and Frustrated

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Viola's POV

My heartbeat drums loud in my chest, it's own beat in sync with Kilian's. I hadn't even realized that demons had hearts— but there it was. That faint, rapid beating of a heart. My head splayed out on his chest, the only room we had to really stretch was taken up with dusty grimoires. Some of them smelled of mildew, and some smelled of lavender. I bite my lip as I watch Varla through the crack of the wooden closet, fearing that maybe she too, could hear my heart beating as fast as a hummingbirds wings.

"It's exciting, isn't it?" Kilian's rough voice whispers in my ear as I watch, his minty breath caressing me. I squint my eyes as I look up at him, wrinkling my nose in disagreement.

"What is wrong with you?" I whisper back, sounding like a breath on the wind instead of a voice. I wonder if he'd heard me— but then I see it. The small curve of his lip, wicked in its own way. He loved taunting me. His glowing red eyes seem to focus on me, illuminating his face.

"Many things, Vi. You make a deal with the devil, and expect him to be the angel that was thrown out of heavens gates— foolish." He murmurs, tracing my jawline with his fingertips, as if I were something small; fragile. I grind my teeth together as I shove his hand away, ignoring the weird feeling it gives me to be touched by him. To be this close to him.

"We're going to get caught." I whisper frantically, eyeing the wooden bowl on the floor as Varla finally finds what she was rummaging around for. She holds up a vial of liquid, iridescent colors shine out of it. Magic, I soon realize. She had said she needed her 'meds', but I was certain that the vial she was holding wasn't prescribed by a physician.

"I hope we are. Maybe she'll think we just needed a quiet place to—" he says, humor in his tone as he touches my rib cage slightly. My breath quickens as I realize that Varla has spotted the bowl on the floor, and Kilian is busy toying with me. I bite my lip as her eyes flash to the wooden closet in curiosity, as if realizing that something wasn't right.

"Kilian." I breathe, as he hums in response. He was enjoying my panicking, like any other cruel demon would be. He didn't give a rats ass if we were caught— and definitely didn't care to be scared of a witches wrath.

"She's coming closer.. can't you get us out of here or something?" I ask, breath coming out in pants. I never did react well to small enclosed spaces— and definitely did not react well to getting caught doing something wrong.

"Is that a request? A favor, if you will." He inquires, the intensity in his eyes double as I realize what he means. I bite my lip harder, possibly drawing blood as I contemplate which situation is worse. Owing a demon, or facing a witch who has way more up her sleeve than she's letting on. I mean— she knows exactly how to get into Settrinos, the underworld. She's playing lamb, letting us think that were the wolves. I did not feel like being a lamb chop served up to her tonight. I look up to Kilian as he grasps my chin slightly.

"I'll do what you wish, just say it." He says lowly, eyes raking over my face as his white teeth glisten in the darkness. By now, Varla had stopped in front of the wooden closet we were in, picking up the bowl in the process with wariness. I shudder with goosebumps, realizing the pickle that I've gotten myself into— as I grab the grimoire holding the information that I want from Kilian's grasp.

           "I'll owe you a favor." I whisper out as his lips go up in devilish satisfaction. My eyes narrow at him, hoping that he manages to get us out of there as quickly as possible.

          "It's a deal." He purrs our in his deep voice, and grabs onto one of my hands.

         "What are you—" I start to say as he raises my hand to his full lips, eyes never leaving mine. He places a kiss onto my hand, and I watch as black inky twirls make their way up to my neck; marking me. Now I had two devil marks— and I couldn't say that I was proud. I wonder what he put on me this time.

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