Blood Amongst Kin

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Viola's POV

It's odd how one with the power to freeze things can become frozen as well. Frozen, tense, mortified— and yet; so very enthralled.

          Kilian was dark, evil, a redemption arc for someone willing to believe in him. A demon king.

       Callence was intense, smoke and flame hollowing me out— a blue in his eyes that spread like liquid lightening. And worst of all? He had been charming. Kilian knew I found him charming.

        Kilian... knew.

      Is this why he'd told me to stay away from Callence? The half demon half warlock who'd been willing to let me be in Kilian's arms if that would make me happy.

      I felt sick.

      And most of all? That guilt that I had felt the moment I'd woken up tangled in Kilian's arms— it made sense.

         "Fuck." I swore sharply.

       "Well that's not the reaction I think a man wants when his betrothed figures out they're mates." A feminine voice drawls out from the entrance of the infirmary. Claire.

I look up and take in Claire's appearance. Vibrant and cheeks filled with a natural blush and holding a tray of some kind of lunch sandwiches; I guess that's how I'd assume one wakes up when they're bonded with their fated mate.
Double fuck.

"Buffalo chicken and cheddar cheese triangles anyone?" She holds up the tray sheepishly, glancing at me apologetically.
"I didn't mean to overhear that last bit, but... are you okay?" She asks slowly as I watch her wide eyed.

I lift my hand to cover my mouth as both of them watch me in silence. My hand manages to turn my next sentence into chicken squalor, but I still mumble it out.

"I fawkjed kilmmn" I say, filled with shame once again.

"What was that buttercup?" My dad leans forward in concern as Claire furrows her eyebrows together.

"You forged killing him?" She says, and then makes a weird face.
"If you're worried about making illegal documents—" she starts to rush out, but I cut her off.

"I fucked Kilian!" I say sharply, dropping my hand to my lap. My chest contracts and my lungs burn, embarrassment filling me to my core.
"Oh my god— I thought he was my mate— I'm an awful person. I was warned and I slept with him anyway." I rush out and drop my head into my hands as the room is blanketed in utter silence.

Jiminy cricket could be too toeing past us and we'd hear it in this silence.

         My father leans back slowly, the bed letting out a loud creak.
       Claire let's out a low whistle, eyes averted as I sigh.

       "Well," my father clears his throat awkwardly. "Atleast you can say that you have options?" He offers weakly.

      My head snaps up and suddenly I'm tempted to snatch the other eyeball from his skull and throw it across the room like a handball.

"Options? Yeah, an option would be my 'fated mate' not wanting me because I'm no longer a virgin and the other option is growing old with someone you have feelings for but you know will never be that mate connection even though he popped your cherry!" I say in faux cheer as my father chokes on his saliva.

"I think this is more of a girl talk." Claire chimes in, hiding a small grin from my father.
"Come on Vi, I can make some Frappuccino's. I remember you like coffee, yeah?" She says gently, beckoning me over with one hand.

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