Family Together.

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"Do we have children?" she dared to ask in a low tone of voice, almost unable to speak. Benny nodded, his eyes and nose were red, he hadn't gotten any tears but you could see the sadness.

"They want to come to see you," he approached and she didn't say anything, she was scared, she didn't know if she was ready because it was a lot of information to her. "Lise-Lotte and Hans Fredriksson, don't forget them," he added. Frida frowned, Fredriksson? she had heard the doctors call Benny after Andersson so it made everything more confusing.

"Me Are you Fredriksson?" she dared to ask. Benny hesitated to answer, it was the hardest thing to tell her.

"No, they don't have my last name because they are your children from your first marriage," he explained. Frida was silent, she wasn't sure she wanted to know more at the moment, but it hurt her to have children and not be able to remember them; She closed her eyes and squeezed them, made a double effort to remember their faces or some moment, how could a mother forget her children? as a result of her great effort to remember, the only thing she managed to do was to get dizzy, so she had to lay her head down again.

Benny noticed that she went pale and worried, "Are you feeling okay?"

"For some reason I feel tired."

"The best thing is that you rest now," Olive closed the curtains so that no more natural light entered. Benny also turned off the lights, Frida didn't open her eyes anyway which meant she really didn't want to be awake anymore.

Frida began to open her eyes, someone was staring at her and she could feel it. There was a brunette girl staring at her as if she was waiting for something, she also stared at her because she didn't know what to say, she remembered her name immediately "Lise-Lotte," she tried not to forget it the moment Benny said it, she didn't want to feel worse than it was.

"Mom, do you remember me?" she smiled at her and caressed her face. Frida looked at the other side, there was her big boy, bigger than she expected, he, on the other hand, was blond and hadn't said anything yet.

"Hello," Frida said trying to be nice, although they were strangers she knew that they were her children and she didn't want to make them suffer more than they had already done. Hans leaned a little closer and to kiss the part of her forehead that was uncovered.

"Mom, it's good that you're awake, we miss you," he said trying to stop his sister from asking her if she remembered her but to no avail.

"Can you remember me?" She insisted. Frida looked at her and her eyes watered, she didn't know what to say.

"Lotta, stop mortifying her more, we talked about this before we came," Hans spoke with authority but his sister all she wanted was to cry.

"That means you don't remember me," Frida felt bad, but she couldn't remember anything.

"Lotta, let's help her feel good soon," Benny held her shoulders and squeezed her, then hugged.

"Sorry, I don't know anything about you," Frida apologized, you could really see her worried face, the mere fact of not remembering her children made her feel terrible.

"Mom, the fact that you are awake is enough for us, don't worry," Hans, who was more mature, the only thing he wanted was for his mother to be well. Frida smiled, she had the strange feeling of wanting to protect and love them, as if she felt connected to them, as if they were her home, but she fought against the feeling that caused her not to remember anything.

Lotta took a step back, it hurt a lot to see her like that, it was horrible to know that the most important person for her didn't remember her, it hurt to death. Frida could feel the tension between them and she didn't want it but she didn't know how to resolve it either. Benny knew it would happen and it was exactly what he wanted to avoid, enough problems Lotta and Frida had had in the past, now that things were good he was afraid they would go back, the fact that her mother didn't recognize her could have great consequences not exactly because Lotta wanted it that way, but her insecurity sometimes couldn't control it.

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