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They were anxious and waiting for Frida's discharge at the hospital to finally go home. Three weeks in the hospital, of which two Frida was in a coma, had been agitating, stressful and sad for everyone. "You can sign here," the nurse handed the folder to Benny with the discharge sheets, he didn't read anything but continued to sign almost immediately, he couldn't wait to take her from there. Once he signed, he passed the documentation back to the nurse.

"Can we go now?" he asked anxiously.

"Yes, we will bring a wheelchair right now so that she can be transported to the car," the nurse left the room. Frida hadn't said anything, she was almost shaking because she didn't know what to expect, she would have to go home with a lot of strangers that although were her family, she felt strange to them.

"Are you ready to go home?" Benny asked her, helping her get her feet off the gurney.

"I think so," she replied in a low tone of voice, she was not quite sure. Benny held her hand and smiled, he knew that the road would be long and that he had to be patient, it was a difficult situation and he had to face it.

"You'll see, everything is going to be okay once we get home. I'm gonna dedicate myself in soul and body to take care of you," he assured and smiled.

The orderly arrived with the wheelchair and they helped Frida to sit up, as she had a cast on her left arm, she could not fully fend for herself, but she tried. The hospital was big so they had to make a long journey to the entrance, Benny had asked that it be as discreet as possible, he didn't want photographers or fans surrounding the hospital, Frida still didn't know about that part of their lives yet, he was clear that he should tell her but not now, he wanted her to be calm.

Everyone stared at them as they went down the hall, the hospital patients and some of the medical staff, Frida could feel the looks but she decided to ignore them, she didn't understand what was happening anyway.

Upon reaching the car, Frida got up from the chair and with the help of the orderly she got on the back seat, Benny thanked him and got on the driver's side. He fastened his seatbelt and looked in the rearview mirror, his eyes met Frida's, for she was also looking at him, but she quickly looked away and her cheeks turned red. Benny started driving on the way home and she spent all the time looking out the windows, she thought that perhaps by looking at the city she would start to recover memories but no, she still felt that her life began the same day she woke up from the coma. They were both quiet the whole way, Frida didn't know what to say and Benny didn't know how to start, he always had things to tell, and now Frida was more reserved, just like when they met.

Thirty minutes later, Benny stopped in front of a black gate, pressed a button and it began to open, then stepped inside. Frida frowned when she saw the house they were going to, it was huge, it looked like a French-style castle. Who the heck are we? she thought, she still didn't know what she and Benny were up to, but deducing from the facades of their humble home from the outside, they had to be millionaires.

"Welcome home," he said parking in front of the house.

"Do we really live here?" she asked in amazement. Benny smiled, there were so many things she would be amazed at and he couldn't wait to tell him.

"Yes, this is our home most of the time when we are not traveling," he added and removed his seat belt to later open the door and get out of the car. He quickly opened the door for her and held her to help out of it, then looked up the stairs, he had forgotten about that detail. "I didn't realize you won't be able to climb stairs, I should have gone to the back," he apologized.

"Who told you that I can't climb stairs?" she looked up, she didn't want to be useless.

"It's not that you can't do it but it will be more uncomfortable for you, I just want you to not have to make any kind of effort," he replied holding her chin.

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