passionate love.

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Frida was nursing Maria at midnight while Benny played the piano, or tried to compose some new music. A month and a half had already passed since Frida gave birth, it was the middle of July and they decided to escape to their summer house to enjoy the holidays. Their four children were also accompanying them.

The kids were outside because they had made a bonfire, it was just getting dark and the sunset looked beautiful from the Viggsö Island, they had had their house there for a few years now and they always enjoyed going there. Frida decided to stay inside herself to avoid exposing her little daughter so much to the open air, in addition, she served to accompany her husband at his moment of inspiration. She said absolutely nothing, she kept quiet all the time, they both enjoyed the silence and the presence, Benny at every moment aware that his wife was behind him with his little girl.

They could also view the wonderful sunset from the window, mostly from there Benny also found inspiration. Maria seemed to be delighted to hear her father play, as she was very calm and concentrated. Frida smiled and caressed her baby. The last month had not been easy, but everything was flowing and everyone was collaborating. "I love you, Maria," Frida whispered. Benny in the silence listened to those words and smiled, without hesitating to turn around to see them. Frida looked up at him confused, "why did you stop?" She questioned.

"I wanted a different kind of inspiration," he said, getting up from her chair and going to the sofa next to her. "Did she already fall asleep?"

"She's already asleep," she confirmed. "But we enjoyed every second listening to you," she added bringing a huge smile to her husband's face.

"I'll take her to the crib," he offered, Frida nodded and he took his little girl in his arms, placing a kiss on her little nose. Maria was blonde, completely blonde and she had round cheeks very similar to Benny.

Frida took advantage of the fact that Benny took care of María, to go out to the patio to see her children, she had the intention of going to sleep to take advantage of the fact that María was doing the same, "kids," she called their attention, "I'll go to sleep now, don't be mischievous," she warned them smiling, even though they were grown up, she always felt the need to protect them.

"Good night mom," Lotta said and they all said goodbye to her. Frida then returned to the house, Benny was just coming out of Maria's room, in the same one that Lotta and Heléne slept, they gladly offered to sleep with their sister, the little girl didn't wake up so often at night and whatever they did they could handle.

"Maria is already comfortably sleeping in her crib," Benny announced.

"Well, this mom will also go to sleep, the children are outside but I already told them to be careful," they approached each other, "what will you do, Mr. Andersson?"

"Me?" He smiled holding her waist. "I want other things that involve bed, too, Mrs. Andersson," he kissed her neck, making her feel the heat.

"There's no time to waste then," she whispered, squeezing him tight so he would feel her desperation.

Benny took her to the bedroom, Frida went to bed immediately, Benny took advantage to take off his clothes, she was already wearing her white silk robe, but she spread her legs to show him the surprise, she wasn't wearing panties . She seductively bit her lower lip and held her braless chest. Benny beastly went to her, bringing his hand immediately to her leg and they pressed their lips against each other. "You're so sexy," he said desperately.

"Benny, don't talk to me like that or you're going to make me wet," she groaned in desperation, allowing him to come in closer and be together fully.

"That's the idea, isn't it?" He whispered to her, placing his face on her neck as he sniffed at her, and he bumped his body sensually against hers, still not penetrating her, still not giving her what she wanted. "You smell delicious, my love," he added.

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