a lyngstad attribute

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Benny hung up the phone after talking to Arthur for a while, he was shaking and his eyes were red. "Frida, love!" He called standing in the bathroom door as he no longer heard the shower. Frida opened the door covering herself with it, her hair was wet and steam was coming out of the bathroom.

"What's happening?" She asked.

"Did you finish?" He asked her and she nodded opening the door fully. "Can you come for a moment?" He asked. Frida frowned, his reaction seemed strange, but Benny was trembling. Frida was frightened for a moment because she thought that everything was fine between them, but because of his reaction there was something else, something weird.

Frida took the towel and covered herself, she took another one to put on her hair so she could dry it, she didn't want to drip all over the bedroom, then she got out of it. "Are you okay?" She asked him. Benny took her hand and brought her to his lap as he sat on the sofa facing the window.

"I have something to tell you, but I need you to please don't panic, okay?" He tried to prepare her but that didn't work with Frida, she needed him to tell her what was happening right away.

"Please tell me whatever it is," she frowned. Benny held her by the waist.

"It's Aunt Olive," immediately he said her name Frida deduced from her that something bad was happening, especially seeing his face, she got quite scared. "Arthur called to say she had a heart attack," he paused as she was interrupted by Frida.

"How is she?" She also began to tremble, got up from his lap and stood in front of him.

"We do not know. Arthur says that the doctors are trying to save her life," Frida put her hand on her head and turned around trying to assimilate what was happening. As for the rest of her family, she felt immense love for her aunt, she was the closest maternal figure she had on earth and she could not conceive of something happening to her.

"I have to go," she murmured loud enough for Benny to hear her.

"We'll go but," Benny also got up and went to her side, "I don't want this to affect you, I understand the situation but I need your well-being," he added. Frida ignored his comment and went into the closet to get dressed, she didn't know how to proceed at the moment but she was clearly naked and she wasn't going to solve anything like that.

Benny decided to go take a shower, he also had to think a little about what he would do, he had to buy the flights, talk to the children, call the babysitter to be with them, tell his sister Eva-Lis and endless other things, so he wanted to clear his mind in the bathroom first.

Later that day, Frida had finished packing Benny's suitcase, she still needed to finish hers while he made some calls to be able to take the night flight to Norway, he talked to Stig about taking the private ABBA plane and having the pilot immediately, as there were some regulations they had to wait a few more hours but everything was going in order for that part.

He and Frida hadn't exchanged many words, just the normal thing, she asked him something or other about what she should put in his suitcase. They were both tense and sad, they didn't know what to expect. Benny contacted Arthur again, Olive was alive but they were still trying to stabilize her, there was a chance that she was still suffering from micro-infarcts which could be dangerous.

"Mom, we're home," Lotta said, looking out the door of the bedroom, she noticed the suitcases on the bed and it seemed strange to her, they just got home from school so they still didn't know anything. "Happy anniversary you two," she smiled going to her mom first to hug, Frida received the hug and kissed her head looking at Benny with anguish. Then Lotta went to Benny and she hugged him too.

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