little maria

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Two tears came out of Frida's eyes as she held her baby for the very first time to her chest, who just came out of her womb. "Happy birthday, May 31, 1981 at 2:30 a.m." the doctor said looking at the clock that was in front of the stretcher, the midwife noted in the control book.

Benny smiled and leaned towards them, it had been an arduous labor but Frida made it, after 12 continuous hours. He kissed her without hesitating any further and they both looked at their baby, "Welcome to the world Maria," Benny whispered and caressed her cheek, thus establishing the first physical contact with his daughter.

Frida looked up and she smiled at him too, she couldn't believe what she was experiencing. The girl began to cry, the midwife approached them, while the doctor was still cleaning the remnants of the placenta in Frida's uterus. "We will take her for a moment to examine and dress," the midwife said kindly, Frida agreed and kissed her baby before handing her over. Benny, who was holding Frida's hand, let go of it and went over to the midwife to watch every step they took. Frida tried to follow them with her eyes but she found it difficult to keep the angle.

"Frida, you did very well, we're done with you," the gynecologist approached removing the latex. "We'll take you back to the room in a moment," he added. Frida nodded and sighed, she felt tired but she didn't want to close her eyes, she needed her baby.

Ten minutes later, Frida was taken to her room, but they were still late with the girl. She was alone in the there, Benny having stayed behind waiting for his baby. Frida was then able to relax, she had definitely had a long labor and she was exhausted but it was worth every second, she felt very nostalgic.

The hospital room door opened, the little crib entered, the midwife trailing behind, and Benny in the back. "Hello, mom," the midwife whispered, but loud enough for Frida to hear. "You have to breastfeed the baby, this little one is in perfect condition," she added. Benny went to her side and the midwife passed the baby to her, Frida held her daughter in arms, the girl was not crying but her eyes were open observing everything around her, or at least trying to perceive sensations and emotions. "I'll leave you, anything you need we'll be in the nursing area," the midwife added.

"Thank you very much," Benny said and helped Frida. Maria stuck to her mother's breast and began to eat, apparently she was very hungry. Benny, who was standing next to her, couldn't stop looking at the scene, his first daughter with Frida, product of the love between them, happiness did not fit in his heart. "A year ago I almost lost you and now it's you bringing our love to life," he thought aloud.

Frida looked at him and half smiled, "are you okay?" She asked seeing him lost in his gaze. He laughed and nodded. "Come here," she moved a little to the right and made a small space on the bed for him to sit next to her. Benny did so and put his arm around her shoulders watching her nurse their smallest and most beautiful acquisition.

"Happy Mother's Day," he recalled. Frida looked at him and he didn't waste another minute bringing his warm lips to hers. "I love you with all my life," he added, causing Frida to blush as if it were the first time.

"I love you too, Benny. Thank you for this motherly gift," she looked down at her little Maria, who already had her eyes closed but was not letting go of her mother's nipple. Frida caressed her forehead gently, she was happy to meet her little daughter. "Now we have a reason not to get divorced," she pointed out of the blue.

Benny frowned, "who talked about divorce?" he questioned.

"Nobody, in case you ever considered it," Frida replied, still stroking her baby. He remained silent contemplating them, yes they had had difficult moments of great tension and uncertainty but all that remained in the past, in a stage that would not be repeated again.

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