The Sexy Robe.

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Benny was downstairs with his children while they had dinner, he had let Frida sleep for a while, he knew she needed it, so he decided to accompany the children and thus share with them. "If mom can't remember anything, who will be in charge of us?" Lotta asked.

"What do you mean?" He looked at her entering in his mouth a piece of bread.

"Yeah, you know she was bossy and she liked to be in control of us, you usually can't control us. Who will be our new controller?"

"Well, that's what your dad and I are for..." Benny replied and Frida entered the dining room at that moment, she had heard what her daughter's opinion was about her and it left her somewhat shocked. She cleared her throat and caught everyone's attention, definitely entering.

"Nice house," she commented looking up. Benny got up from his chair immediately and went over to her.

"Everything was chosen by you," he told her.

"I don't have such bad taste," she added and then looked at the children. She had heard what Lotta said before they realized she was there but she honestly didn't know what to begin with.

"Are you going to sit with us?" Benny invited her to take the chair but she shook her head.

"I just came for a glass of water," she took a step back.

"You shouldn't have gotten out of bed, I can look for it," Benny immediately walked away from the dining room to go to the kitchen. Frida stood there while everyone looked at her and she waited for Benny to return.

"Honey, come sit down for a moment. Do you want something else?" Olive got up from her chair and went to her.

"No, I'm fine. Thanks for the meal a while ago, it was good," she thanked her.

"You have nothing to thank me for, I would do anything for you," she replied.

"Aunt Olive is the best cook," Heléne commented.

"Yeah, I don't know what we'll do without her when she gets back to Norway," Lotta seconded. Frida looked at her confused and then settled her eyes on her aunt.

"Norway?" They hadn't told her that part of her story yet.

"Yes," Olive sighed and held her right hand. "I live in Norway and I plan to go back this weekend," she added. Benny, who was just coming in with the glass of water, had to intervene.

"Why? I didn't know you would leave so fast."

"I didn't know that she would leave," Frida was concerned and took the glass of water.

"I have been here for three weeks now, soon it will be four. I have my husband, children and grandchildren there and I think that you too will need space to rebuild your lives as a family," she explained.

"I thought you lived here," Frida didn't know how to feel, in a way having Olive gave her a little more security because she was something of an intermediary between her and her family, and she was more familiar to her.

"No, but you will be fine. You always have been," her aunt hugged her, she felt the need to do it because every time she saw her she couldn't stop thinking about what could've been. Frida didn't do much but she also tried to hug her with the only hand she could.

"I'll go back to the bedroom, Benny, can you tell me where my pajamas are?" She asked him.

"Yes, I'll accompany you," he said accepting. Frida would get out of there again but she remembered that she did not say goodbye to the children and she did not want to be rude either.

"Good night, I hope you sleep well," she addressed them.

"Good night," they all said at the same time.

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