Body memory.

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Benny and Frida came home that night, it was just them, the children were with their other parents so they had the weekend off. The wedding was wonderful, they were happy for Görel's happiness, Benny even happier that Frida had decided to go and that she was so calm, that made him believe that things could improve, also, he was very grateful that she was with him.

They both went to the bedroom directly, they didn't even want to eat anything because they ate a lot throughout the day, they just wanted to go to bed and take advantage of the fact that they didn't have to do anything else. Frida had her shoes in her hand while she went up the stairs, it had been a long day, although beautiful, but lately was badly damaged, there were still ailments caused by the accident that didn't allow her to do her activities one hundred percent as before.

Benny went straight to the bathroom and she took the opportunity to enter the closet, she wanted to take everything off and rest, but since the afternoon she had a strange feeling, it was as if she was suddenly more tied to him, since that brief memory she had she hadn't stopped thinking how good it felt, but still couldn't bring it to tell him. She pulled her bra off and felt released, as if her soul had come out, she didn't hesitate to sigh.

She looked at her bare shoulders and then looked at herself in the mirror that was in the closet, she still had some marks from the accident on her rib, although it already hurt little or almost nothing, only on some occasions when she felt that she had made a lot of efforts, which was normal.

As everything was silent, since only she and Benny were at home, from there she heard the sound of falling water and imagined Benny naked, although they slept together, there were few times that she had seen him like that, because she still hadn't got used to it and she tried to avoid that part at all costs. On impulse, she left her dress on the floor and left the closet, to go to the bathroom. She was nervous and she could barely walk, she didn't do it accurately but she kept going to the destination. She opened the bathroom door and looked at the shower, Benny closed the faucet when he heard the door open, he was soaked and his eyelashes wet, so he ran his hand over his face to remove the excess of water, he wanted to know if something was wrong because Frida rarely went to the bathroom if he was there, not after she lost the memory.

He saw her silhouette approach and didn't hesitate to open the curtain, he wanted to see what it was about. Frida got a little scared and her eyes widened, she didn't expect him to open yet. The one who was most surprised was Benny, she had her slender body discovered which surprised him quite a bit, he hadn't seen her with that sensuality for several months, so he did not know what to say.

Frida didn't say much and she looked up at him, she wanted to try, she wanted to continue, there were many things she wanted to do and she kept getting self-conscious over and over again; when she could remember a small fragment of her life with Benny suddenly her curiosity increased significantly, she didn't remember more of them but felt a little love, something was something.

Benny was in complete shock, she was a few inches from his body and their skin could almost meet, so close that he could feel her breath with his. She brought her nose a little towards his, hesitating to kiss him, both tips of their noses rubbed and Benny couldn't wait any longer, he had to take the initiative, letting the opportunity goes by wasn't a good idea. He put his hand on her waist and pushed her a little closer to him, colliding their bodies. Frida gasped but she couldn't make a long sound because her lips immediately met Benny's. Her eyes closed and they felt the warmth of their bodies run through their veins, they enjoyed it. Benny felt that he was dreaming and Frida was only focused on the passion that was possessing her in the moment, she wanted to feel more, she wanted to find the identity of that reality.

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