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Frida was leaving her therapy with the psychologist, Benny was waiting right outside and leaning against the red meserati until she came out, he just picked her up and dropped her off, but didn't accompany her to therapy. "How was it?" He routinely asked her by opening the car door so she could get in.

"Fine," she replied with a frown and got into the car. She fastened her belt and was frozen for a moment, she had a memory and it felt very real, the car turned around and there was a strong smell of gasoline, she was dizzy and full of blood, she thought she was going to die, every moment she thought of Benny and her children and she couldn't stand the pressure on her chest anymore.

While she had the memory she too could feel the symptoms of the moment and she was lost between the space of reality and the past. "Frida!" Benny called her scared, because as soon as he got in the car he saw that she was pale. "Frida!" He insisted when receiving no answer. She looked at him and tears came out.

"Take me home," she ordered closing her eyes and putting her hand on her face leaning against the car.

"Wait, you don't look good."

"I'm tired," she answered with a sigh, then crossed her arms and leaned her head back, closing her eyes. Although Benny had his reservations about her condition he decided to take her home. Arriving, it was almost dark which was normal for autumn in Sweden, Benny stopped the car in front of the house and she unbuckled her seat noticing that he did nothing but watch her perform and freeze. "Aren't you getting in?" She asked seeing his inertia.

"I'll go out for a while but I won't be long," he answered, she nodded without wanting to inquire further and got out of the car for the house, then watched him drive away from her before closing the door. She couldn't deny it, at that moment she felt remorse and a lot of anguish, she knew something was wrong, something was missing, but she didn't know what. Frida entered and went straight to the event room, because from there she heard music, she stopped at the entrance and saw her two daughters Heléne and Lotta dancing, couldn't help but smile immediately, they seemed to be having a good time and they were doing very well.

As soon as the dance ended, she made herself known by entering the room fully and applauding. "Great job, girls," she said like any proud mother.

"Are you surprised we're so good?" Lotta smiled when she saw her mom and went over to hug her.

"Obviously not, talent is in your veins," she winked at them. "Did you have dinner?" she asked.

"A moment ago," Heléne answered.

"Okay, I'll leave you to continue with your things," Frida added at last and left. She went up to her bedroom, now she felt more comfortable, more motivated, her mood had changed a little more. She took off her wrist watch and put it on top of the dresser, there she crossed a business card that her friend Alexandra had given her a few days ago when they met at Lillebil's birthday party. Frida remembered that she owned the nightclub that bore her name, and since then she had been curious about the place.

She grabbed the card and went to the phone on the nightstand, then dialed the phone number on it. "Alexandra Charles," she heard her voice reply.

"Hello!" Frida responded timidly. "It's Anni-Frid," she paused briefly to think how she would proceed, "Lyngstad."

"Hi Frida!" Alexandra said sounding more excited than when she picked up the phone. "You need no introduction dear. Tell me, what do you need?"

"Hmm..." Frida didn't know exactly how to say it. "I'm calling you because I remembered what we talked about a few days ago and I would really like to get to know the club, I meant it very seriously," she explained.

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