Anniversary Present

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Frida began to open her eyes, she had felt unusual movements around her, so her subconscious told her that it was time to wake up. Being autumn, the day was grey, the morning rainy, which had made her feel lazy. Benny was standing there in front but with his back to her, very focused on fixing the bow of a present that he had just wrapped. "Good morning," she said in a raspy voice, still not quite assimilating that she was awake.

Benny smiled when he heard her voice and turned around looking at her, he still had his pajamas on too but seemed to be awake for a long time. "Good morning," he replied, immediately going to bed next to her and did not hesitate to kiss her directly on the mouth, something that Frida didn't avoid at all, in a certain way in the last days the relationship had improved, re-flowered . "Happy anniversary," he added.

"Happy anniversary," Frida tried to smile too, she knew it was a very important date for them both.

"I'm glad you woke up, breakfast is ready," he put the box next to her, still not saying anything about it and got up to look for the tray that was on the dresser, he had just prepared it so everything was fresh and warm. Then he came back to her and put the tray on her lap. "I hope you enjoy it."

"Thanks, sorry I didn't wake up first but I think I've gotten a little lazy," she joked. "Have you had breakfast yet or are you joining me with all of this?"

"I'll join you," he answered, settling down on the bed next to her. Frida started to eat, Benny too but he was more focused on her movements than on eating, he thought how lucky he was to have her with him.

After eating all the food, Benny was in charge of taking everything back to the kitchen, meanwhile Frida took the opportunity to get out of bed and go to the bathroom, she wanted to freshen up a little bit. The night before she had chosen her red silk robe, little by little she was recovering her security and therefore her sensuality, or rather, one day she had it and the next day the desire to be sexy and beautiful simply disappeared; she supposed it was a normal thing, that's why she didn't force anymore her body.

She looked at herself in the mirror before splashing cold water on the face, it was fine but nostalgia was inevitable, it was the wedding anniversary with the man who was supposed to be the love of her life, but she didn't remember anything and it made her feel even more frustrated.

She washed her teeth and face with her favorite cream, in spite of everything she had understood that she was someone influential, she had to take care of herself and look good and therefore she had to keep everything that she had been in sometime. As soon as she finished, she wiped her face with a clean towel and left the bathroom; Benny was sitting there again on the bed, now he had the gift back in his hands waiting for his wife. Frida pressed her lips, before going to him she went to the drawer of her bedside table, opened the first one and took out a white letter envelope, then she went up to the bed also to join her husband.

"It's yours," Benny said handing the gift into her hands. Frida grabbed it and held it close to her, before opening it she passed the letter envelope to him.

"It's not much, maybe I should have gone out of my way and bought you something but I'm still not very familiar with things here," she apologized. "Anyway, I hope you read it and no matter what happens, keep it with you."

"Frida," Benny took the letter and held it against his chest. "The only and best gift that I want from you is that you are alive, just imagine if we couldn't celebrate another year of wedding anniversary. That you are with me, with your eyes open and trying everything is more than enough, and I tell you for real." That said, Frida's eyes watered, the fact that he considered that was special, it made her feel special. She put her hand on his cheek and smiled caressingly.

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