Var Är Min Clown

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Benny was in the laundry area, he had decided to wash the clothes that Frida wore the night before because it had vomit and they couldn't wait until Monday when Edna could wash them. He remembered that he should call Alexandra because the night before they left without paying, he had forgotten.When he closed the lid of the washing machine the phone rang, he was just thinking of going there to call. "Hello?" He said as he picked up the phone.

"Benny!" He heard the recognizable voice of a woman say.

"Aunt Olive, nice to hear you," he answered, a smile forming on his face immediately; that woman transmitted peace from the first moment.

"I can say the same. How's everybody?" She asked.

"Fine, I think so..." he paused, he didn't want to worry her but he wasn't going to lie to her either. "Things aren't getting any better but it's nothing," he continued.

"It hurts me to hear that," she lamented. "Where is Frida?"

"She's sleeping," he cleared his throat to continue. "She went out last night and I assume she's still tired," explained.

"Did she go out?" Olive asked confused.

"Yes! Do you remember the club we used to frequent? She decided to go last night, and you know..."

"I understand!" Olive didn't need any more details and perhaps her announcement was timely. "Well, I take this opportunity to tell you that I have plans to buy a flight and visit you all in two weeks, what do you think?"

"Sure!" Benny immediately exclaimed, maybe it was what they needed. "It will be great to have you around, let me know if you need anything," he requested.

"Nothing, just pick me up at the airport," she smiled. "I'll let you know anything," she paused before continuing with the next piece of news. "Another thing, Frida's father contacted me, he wants to see her but I told him that it didn't depend on me..."

"What does he want to see her for?" Benny asked getting upset for a few seconds.

"I don't really know, he told me he didn't want her to forget him," she replied. "It's up to you if you accept or not, I just have to inform you."

"I don't know what to do," Benny ran his hand over his face combing the beard. "I think you should decide it yourself, in the end you know best what is best for your niece." After talking a while longer, they hung up. Benny went up to the bedroom, the pile of clothes that he had left to wash was still on the floor, and Frida had already woken up smelling the jacket he had on last night. "What are you doing?" He asked confused at the action.

"Nothing! The perfume on this doesn't smell like yours," she commented looking into his eyes, "and it stinks," she added. Benny frowned and watched as she tossed his jacket back on the floor with the rest of the other clothes to go to the washroom, she was still as she fell asleep and looked like she just woke up. Benny grabbed the jacket and sniffed at it, now he was curious. Indeed, the perfume was not his, it smelled like Mona and it was the most logical thing because he saw her the night before. He put it back and took them all to go downstairs and take them to the laundry area.

A little later, everyone was sitting at the table eating the lunch that Benny prepared, the children could tell by Frida's face that she was downcast from the night before, in the past, she used to go out partying and the next day she was crushed, but this time she looked worse. Benny cleared his throat and broke the silence, "Lillebil is coming in a bit so you can try on the dress," he reminded her.

"What dress?" she asked confused. Benny rolled his eyes and sighed.

"The one you'll use for the Super Trouper cover, remember? She'll lend it to you," he said.

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