The Feeling.

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After a pleasant chat, Görel and Frida left the library, Benny and Anders were still in the kitchen and apparently they had finished drinking the bottle of champagne. "Honey, we're leaving," Görel said.

"Why so early?" Benny complained.

"We have other things to do," she replied.

"I thought you were staying for dinner," he insisted.

"On another occasion."

"Görel, you can seriously stay for dinner," Frida said, deep down she wasn't sure yet of staying alone with Benny.

"No honey, I promise we'll be back soon," of course she just wanted them to be able to have that time alone and she wasn't going to ruin it.

"Well, thank you for everything you brought us," Benny said.

"Yes, thank you, you really didn't have to," Frida agreed. They said goodbye and Görel and Anders left the house. It was barely dusk and it was cloudy so everything was gray, Benny stayed picking up the glasses and the things that Görel brought to organize them and thus not leave a trail, Frida for her part left the kitchen to make her own world.

On the way back, Görel saw Björn's car heading to Benny and Frida's house, "honk the horn," she asked Anders and they lowered the windows, Björn pulled to the side of the street so as not to create a barrier and allow the other cars to pass. Görel got out of the car and they met, "Hi Björn, Lena."

"How are you?"

"Fine! Are you going to Benny and Frida's?"

"Yes, do you come from there?"

"Yes, I recommend that you don't go," she said.

"Why?" Björn got worried.

"It's nothing but I think they need this night alone, it's the best," she explained.

"Frida, how is she?" Lena asked.

"Better but she's still very confused," she replied. "They are still working on their relationship," she continued. Björn looked at his watch and saw the time, he honestly didn't want to go home and that weekend Agnetha would stay with the kids, they would go to a park with her new boyfriend Dick, so he had to find something else to do.

"Where are you going?" he asked them.

"Although Benny invited us to dinner at home, I preferred it to be better to leave them alone."

"Why don't you go have dinner with us?" he proposed her. "We really don't have much to do tonight." Görel and Anders agreed, so now they would have a double date with Lena and Björn.

Frida was watching television in her bedroom, it had been a while since she left Benny downstairs in the kitchen, that time she used to think about many things, especially what she had talked with Görel, really every time she thought about Benny she did it with tenderness even if she wanted to deny it, but still her feelings were very vague and ambiguous, as well as her thoughts. She was interrupted by the door of the room that opened, it was him who entered with a tray in his hands, "I brought you dinner," he said approaching the bed.

"You didn't have to bother," she told him, putting the control aside.

"It doesn't bother me," he put the tray on her lap. "If you fancy something more you can confidently ask me," continued.

"Everything is perfect," she commented and took the fork to start eating.

"May I help you?" he asked as she still couldn't use her hand. She nodded, wanted to see how far she could go without letting her nerves control her. Benny took the fork and began to give her the food, he wanted her to be as comfortable and calm as possible, now that he had the opportunity to have her back he was going to do everything to make her okay, just to imagine the horrible two weeks she had in a coma gave him chills and all he thought about was lowering her the moon.

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