sick & tired of everything

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Frida was exploring the first floor of Arthur and Olive's house, she was curious about the memories that being there could bring her. Benny and he had gone to the market to buy some things, Sølvi looking for Silje at school and Frida had stayed with her aunt who just that morning was discharged and had returned home. They had a picture in the hallway between the library and the family room, it looked a lot like a picture of her mom that she had seen before in her house, but she still couldn't tell if it was her. Frida got closer to examine it, she definitely had the same eyes and smile, she looked a lot like the woman in the other photo but younger. "Your mom was very pretty," she heard the voice of a lady behind her say.

"Is it her?" Frida asked shyly, she didn't turn around because she couldn't stop looking at the photo.

"Yes, she was ten years old by then," Olive replied and scrambled a little closer still. Frida finally turned around.

"Aunt Olive, you should be resting, come with me," she took her hand trying to evade any emotional conversation.

"I'm fine, I don't want to be in my bedroom anymore," she refused to go back.

"At least come to the sofa," Frida insisted.

"I'm fine, seriously. Thank you for worrying about me," Olive was surprised by the fact that Frida, despite the situation she was going through, had the courtesy to worry about her.

"It's the least I can do for you," Frida helped her sit up and arranged a cushion for her to lie on. "We were really scared when we got the call from Arthur," she slightly patted her arm.

"How ironic, so was I when I got the call from Benny that April," Olive commented. Frida looked down, she felt uncomfortable and somewhat tired, suddenly the whole situation was weighing on her now. "Are you okay?" Olive asked noticing the uncomfortable look on her face.

"I'm a little exhausted," she confessed and leaned back on the sofa.

"Go upstairs and rest," Olive ordered, Frida scowling.

"You should go upstairs to rest," she replied.

"If I agree, you go with me," Olive conditioned, in the end she needed it, too. She got up from the sofa and Frida immediately helped her, although the last thing Olive wanted was for them to over-help her. They both went up the stairs, and Frida helped her to the bed in her room.

"Do you need anything else?" she asked her.

"I need you to rest too," Olive said worriedly.

"Don't worry about me anymore," Frida gently patted her leg and got up from the bed, going to the bedroom window to draw the curtain and let it in a little less light. She tightened the curtain when she felt that she was going to fall, a dizziness took over her body and suddenly she felt how everything around her spun almost falling but she managed the situation. Her aunt who was watching her all the time noticed how something in her movements suddenly changed.


"I guess I'll sit next to you for a while," she said knowing she should. She went to Olive's side and threw her head back so she could recover, Olive even more worried. Frida felt her penetrating gaze on her and opened her eyes, "could you not tell Benny about this, please?"

"Do you think that is the right thing to do?" She asked and her niece nodded. "Not me, if you're feeling that way you should talk to him about it."

"Benny has had too much already," Frida said.

"What are you talking about?"

"Yes, it's just that the simple fact of having to carry me and take care of me is enough for him to soon get bored and want to do something else with his life," Frida let it out, she had been accumulating it for a long time.

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