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Benny arrived to the studio, Björn was already there with his guitar in hand, he was strumming some melodies from The Winner Takes It All, which would be the next song they would start recording, it was very sentimental for everyone. Benny didn't interrupt him until he was sure he finished, then he moved a little closer and patted him on the shoulder. "It's perfect, isn't it?"

"Unfortunately yes," he answered chuckling. "You're late," he added.

"Not true, only twenty minutes," Benny replied.

"How is Frida?" At the question, Benny sighed and walked over to the piano wondering how he was going to answer it.

"We had a fight, I don't know how she is now," he replied putting his fingers on the keyboard to play.

"Do you want to talk about that? I notice your emotions are on the ground and normally you are not like that."

"Björn, she asked me to have a child."

"Oh no!" Björn immediately commented, setting the guitar aside. "Here we go again."

"She got mad at me and said horrible things to me. Things like I'm with her just hoping she'll get her memory back."

"But do you have the hope that she will recover it, or not?"

"Yeah, but you know I'm not with her just for that. She is my wife and for me she is still the same."

"I know and I understand you," Björn answered and they were both silent for a moment. "But, you want a child, if she is asking you now, why would you refuse it?"

"Because my Frida does not want that, she is considering it because she is in a very confusing stage of her life, but when she begins to recover her memory, her old feelings will also return and a child won't be the solution."

"Maybe you don't have to decide now," Björn insisted.

"What side are you on?" Benny began to feel alteration in his reaction.

"From both of you, precisely because I know you want a child."

"And precisely because I know she doesn't want to," Benny rolled his eyes and began to notice notes on the piano, the last thing he wanted to think about at that moment was the discussion he had with Frida, he felt like his creativity was slowly dying on that day and needed to get it back.

Frida felt horrible, she had a sea of ​​mixed feelings, not knowing who she was and organizing her ideas was costing her a lot. Becoming a stranger in her own body was taking its toll on her and she no longer knew how to cope. At first she was normal, she was discovering and moving forward, but now it had become chaotic and desperate. She felt suffocated, Edna had already arrived at the house, she was in the basement fixing some things. Frida took advantage of the moment and took the keys to Benny's car and left. She opened the car and closed the door, she felt euphoric, but there was a problem, she hadn't driven since the accident, so she ran into that obstacle.

She froze before taking another action and her hands began to shake. She inserted the key and started the car, still scared to death. She got out of the garage and started driving, she flowed, still shaking but she flowed. She was crying all the time, she didn't even explain how she managed to start the car and do it naturally, but she was doing it. She, without realizing it, was already on the Mörbyleden route with 18, when she saw the sign she had to stop, parking the car on the side of the road; Suddenly she saw her red car turn over and she turned around with it, later a black cloud invaded and everything went off.

Frida was stunned by that memory right on that street, she assumed it was the day she had the accident. Now her eyes were a faucet of tears again, her headache was increasing as she tried to remember something else but everything went black and she felt despair. She began to walk further towards a park that was around, she felt quite dizzy, so she had to stop to breathe fresh air. She tried deep breathing twice, on the third try she had to put her hands on her thighs for support; looking around her everything seemed to be blurry and she was really trying to get her vision back.

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