da ya think i'm sexy?

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It was 8:30 in the morning when Benny began to wake up, although it was Saturday and he could stay in bed a while longer, it was a special day because Frida was turning 35 and he wanted to do something special for her.

The room was dark, already it was autumn almost winter and Stockholm was dark again, early evenings and late dawns. That November 15, 1980 was special, for several reasons; first, Frida was miraculously alive, second, she carried a special being inside of her. Although she was sleeping, and tired, she felt a penetrating gaze on her, so decided to turn around in bed almost forcing herself to wake up. She half-opened her eyes and it was Benny who couldn't stop looking at her.

She wanted to say something, but couldn't, she still felt heavy and her body was quite relaxed and lazy. Benny, who noticed that she was already aware of his gaze, decided to lean over to kiss her outlined, freckled nose. "Happy birthday," he whispered, still too lagging behind in laziness. "I love you," he continued making Frida's heart skip a beat and she finally opened her green eyes.

She smiled and hugged him, still not saying anything, she snuggled into his arms feeling the warmth of his body, she needed him. Benny also hugged her and planted another kiss on her hair, he knew that he had to protect her at all costs, no matter how confused he is at this moment in life. "What do you want me to make you for breakfast?" He asked.

"Whatever you do for me is fine," she answered and released his torso, now rolling onto her back to continue sleeping. Benny took the opportunity and got out of bed, while he would do the rest, she would rest more.

Later, Benny, Lotta, Hans, Peter and Heléne were all gathered in the kitchen preparing a big breakfast, it was already 10:00 a.m., Frida was still sleeping, but they didn't go to wake her up either, it gave them more time to have everything ready. Benny looked at his children and how they collaborated, and then thought of the next member of the family, would he or her be so welcome? He had dreamed of that baby ever since he met Frida, until finally, in a very strange situation, his wish came true, for which he couldn't help but feel guilty.

"Good morning," Frida said getting everyone's attention.

"Good morning, Benny replied. She went over and took a glass because she was thirsty.

"Happy birthday Frida," Lotta walked over to her and hugged her mom.

"Happy birthday," Hans leaned in too, planting a kiss on her hair.

"I hope this day is better than any other," Heléne also joined in the hug and everyone congratulated her. At the moment, Benny just watched them as he kept his hands on the last few pancakes that were in the pan ready to be served. Frida, after all the display of love and concern, finally turned on the faucet and poured water into her glass.

Frida then approached Benny and with a fork that was near the plate, she cut a bit of pancake and took it to her mouth, she was also hungry. He nudged her gently with his hip and smiled, then leaned in closer to kiss her. "I wouldn't have done that if I were you," Frida stopped the kiss immediately.

"Which is the reason?" He took out the last pancake.

"I just emptied my stomach through my mouth," she replied referring to the vomit, but none of the children paid attention to her comment.

"It doesn't matter," Benny answered, taking the plate and carrying it to the table where he had everything set up, even the gifts for her. They all took their respective seats, Benny deciding to sit next to her so they could be close, instead of at the ends. "Are you okay?" Benny leaned in and whispered in her ear.

"Affirmative," she nodded and popped a strawberry into her mouth. "Thank you all for helping out with breakfast today," she raised her voice and smiled at them.

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