fall and risk

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Frida was nervous, emotional. It was December 23 and that not only meant that the next day was Christmas Eve, but she would also see her father, who was not long in arriving. She was in the kitchen seasoning a turkey for the next day, Frida's old habits had come back to her, housework and cooking, every now and then the laundry, too, now that she had time at home. Her thoughts were constantly interrupted because Peter and Hans were downstairs with their friends, that was their day to day, but she liked the idea of having them at home.

She salted the turkey and covered it, then she opened the faucet and washed her hands, later drying them with her apron and removing it, she now wanted to be prepared for the arrival of her father. She put her hand on her belly, now that it was growing up it prevented her from doing certain things but she really liked having her baby bump because she felt less alone and could live her own experience, besides the idea of having Benny's child filled her with great hope, it was about time.


"The girls are already sleeping," Frida entered the bedroom and closed the door, Benny was already in bed. They had Heléne and Lotta, 7 and 5 respectively, for the weekend and they both slept together in their bedroom in the Vallentuna house.

"Are you sure they fell asleep or pretended to be sleeping so you would go away?" Benny teased and couldn't help but laugh, then held out his hand for her to go with him.

"I really don't know, but I'm so tired that I wouldn't mind if that was the case," Frida replied and took his hand, walking into the bed next to him and snuggling into his arms.

"It's been an intense day with these two girls," he said and kissed her closed eyes.

"I know, but they are happy to be here," Frida smiled.

"I know," Benny smiled back and nuzzled her arm. "I want Peter and Hans to be here for the summer too," he added, brushing back the lock of her hair. Frida now had wavy hair.

"Can we handle all of them together?" Frida laughed.

"We have to," Benny replied. "Imagine when we are a family of 7," he commented, earning a slight frown from Frida and then her eyes widening.

"What are you talking about?" She questioned, knowing exactly but she didn't want gaps in the questions.

Benny trembled a little as he answered, "I mean, after we get married and decide to have kids, we'll be seven," he clarified.

"Of course!" Frida murmured and relaxed again. "We should get married soon," she added.

"Next year seems like a good time."

"We are always working..." Frida sighed.

Her thoughts were interrupted when two boisterous daughters ran down the stairs and into the living room. "What's happening?" She asked looking away from the window and looking at them.

"We came to ask about our Christmas presents, we are no longer children and we think we can open them now without waiting for Christmas Day," Lotta expressed.

"When did you get so big?" Her eyes watered, in the memory that she just had they were two little ones and now they were big and fended for themselves.

"Are you okay Frida?" Heléne asked worried.

"We didn't know the petition will affect you," Lotta said.

"It's not that," Frida tried to control herself and wiped away her tears, then she approached her and held out her arms so she could hug them. "Do you remember when you were little? Benny and I lived in Vallentuna and you shared a room when you came to visit us," she smiled.

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