private life

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Benny and Frida first decided to do their work for the day, because they had another important meeting and they couldn't postpone it. It was 11:30 a.m. when they finally finished, Frida was the first to get up from the table, she felt uncomfortable. Benny looked at his watch, he was dying to know what the doctor had to tell them, but in a way he was putting it off too, because he was nervous and didn't know if he could take it. "Benny, we have to go," Frida returned and peeked out the door. He nodded.

"Wish me luck," Frida walked over to Görel and Agnetha who were standing in front of the office.

"Good luck," Görel said. "But why?" She added.

"We'll go collect the results now," Frida explained.

"Already?" Agnetha questioned. "Faster than expected," she put her hand on her arm and gave her a brief smile.

"They called this morning, said something like I got priority," she sighed. "I don't know how to feel about it."

"Everything will be fine," Agnetha assured her. Before they could say anything else, Benny walked out of the meeting room and caught the attention of the three of them.

"We can go now," he leaned closer. Frida nodded and said goodbye to the girls, then followed her husband to the car. She got on, she was still disgusted by the perfume that was impregnated in the seat, Frida made a disgusted face and he noticed it, again.

"Don't forget to get the car cleaned, deep cleaning," she ordered, a little annoyed.

"It's not that big of a deal, I think you're exaggerating," Benny said, taking a gamble.

"So you think?" Frida looked at him defiantly, and there he knew that he shouldn't say more. "We have a pending conversation, don't think I'll forget it," she sighed aggressively and looked out the window with a frown. Benny was scared, of course, so he decided not to say anything more.

Half an hour later they reached Danderyd, Benny opened the door for her and she got out of the car, now her legs were shaking. He tried to look for her hand to enter together but she dodged him, she was still angry and it could be seen in the tension of her body, but she was not only angry, she was also pressured and nervous, she did not know what expect.

Benny pushed open the door and helped her in, they both walked to the end of the hall, where Frida's doctor was. "Hello, good afternoon. How can I help you?" A young blonde girl in a nurse's uniform said kindly.

"Hello, Anni-Frid Lyngstad," Benny said, introducing his wife. "I think Dr. Larsson is waiting for us," he added. The girl checked a list and nodded.

"Yes, actually Dr. Larsson with Dr. Johnson," the girl got up from her desk. "Can you please follow me," Benny and Frida followed her, her gynecologist was there too, how serious could it be? The nurse knocked once on the office door and then opened it, "Excuse me doctors, Mr. and Mrs. Andersson are here," she announced to them. Benny and Frida entered, and both stopped almost instantly in front of the desk, startled.

"Hello, go ahead. How are you?" Dr. Larsson said standing up from his seat and shaking his hands.

"We were just talking about you," Johnson commented, also greeting them.

"Is that good or bad?" Benny joked and laughed.

"I'm assuming good," Johnson smiled. Frida was extremely quiet and anxious, she thought that she wanted everyone to be silent and at once get rid of the doubt. She was the first to take a seat, Benny sat next to her. On the other side of the desk were the doctors, each in a chair.

"What are the notifications today?" Frida asked curious.

"Well," Larsson, as he is the doctor who has been in charge of Frida in recent months due to her memory condition, although he was a neurosurgeon, he was present, since the analyzes were general and what related to her pregnancy was also within his competence. "Here we have the results, Dr. Johnson and I will give you the verdict and what our recommendations are."

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